9/15/2014 c89 Guest
What the heck? And what just did Alex have in mind?
What the heck? And what just did Alex have in mind?
9/15/2014 c89 Guest
Sad, a really good story I was really enjoying is really starting to get
Sad, a really good story I was really enjoying is really starting to get
9/15/2014 c89 JoCupcake
Gahhhhh this is going downhill. How do we know someone didn't break in and raid the place so that he could set up Hannah!? And I pray Erin spills the truth
Gahhhhh this is going downhill. How do we know someone didn't break in and raid the place so that he could set up Hannah!? And I pray Erin spills the truth
9/14/2014 c88 Guest
Let her keep the dog
Let her keep the dog
9/13/2014 c88 Tkc81
Omg a dog lol ha ha should be interesting how that part of the story plays out... Really enjoying the story wondering how it's all gonna play out and where your going to take the story from here :) I'm really hoping the story in-all dose not end soon
Omg a dog lol ha ha should be interesting how that part of the story plays out... Really enjoying the story wondering how it's all gonna play out and where your going to take the story from here :) I'm really hoping the story in-all dose not end soon
9/13/2014 c88 Guest
So sorry. Riddler is a stray from a different Olivia-daughter fanfic. So glad to see updates. I love dogs too, and almost all of mine have been strays or pound pups.
So sorry. Riddler is a stray from a different Olivia-daughter fanfic. So glad to see updates. I love dogs too, and almost all of mine have been strays or pound pups.
9/12/2014 c88 Guest
Yaaay! Updates! But um, what happened to Riddler? Marlboro just shows up as a new dog but no mention of our last stray...?
Yaaay! Updates! But um, what happened to Riddler? Marlboro just shows up as a new dog but no mention of our last stray...?
9/12/2014 c88 Guest
9/12/2014 c88 4VampWolf Girl 4Ever
cute ending, wonder where erin is and im getting curiouse as to what joes statement will be
cute ending, wonder where erin is and im getting curiouse as to what joes statement will be
9/11/2014 c87 Guest
Yay! I love this! Please write more.
Quite frankly, I don't care much about Elliot. Love Olivia! More Olivia time please!
Yay! I love this! Please write more.
Quite frankly, I don't care much about Elliot. Love Olivia! More Olivia time please!