Just In
for The Lost Child

7/24/2022 c113 Guest
Please update soon!
7/22/2022 c113 spacekitten2700
oh boy
7/21/2022 c113 16justanotherbookworm78
Loved this chapter so much! I was wondering how much longer Victoria was going to be able to keep her boyfriend a secret, and while I'm glad she and Sunny are no longer together, the way everything came out into the open was not good. I understand her father's concern, but he had no right to hit his daughter for it. Yes, what Sunny was doing was wrong and falls under the category of statutory rape, but Victoria didn't deserve to be slapped for it. I suppose I'm a bit disappointed that no charges are going to be filed in this case, but at least the two of them are no longer together. What was a development that I wasn't necessarily expecting, but didn't seem as much of a surprise after what Hannah mentioned to Cragen in his office, was the kiss between Hannah and Victoria. I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next.
7/21/2022 c113 Renekeana123
I love how this chapter ended. I find it hilarious how Elliott and Olivia were too busy making fun of each other kids love life to see what was actually going on with Hannah’s. I like Hannah and Victoria together, I can’t wait to see how this plays out. Keep up the good work.
7/21/2022 c113 Guest
Love it! Please keep going
7/20/2022 c112 spacekitten2700
7/20/2022 c112 justanotherbookworm78
I could really relate with Hannah in this chapter, in particular with her struggles when it came to understanding math. Algebra was always my biggest hurdle back in my school days, and I understood exactly where she was coming from. I'm glad she had a teacher who was willing to not only help, but find someone who might be able to relay the information better. Loved the interactions between Victoria and Hannah, and while there was some tension and awkward moments at first, I'm glad the two teens found a balance that worked. It seems that Victoria isn't as sure of herself as she pretends to be, and admires Hannah's assurance. As for Hannah's time at community service, she really seemed to connect with Lincoln, and I'm glad she convinced him to allow her to report the abuse he sustained, even if she's doing so on his behalf for now. It's devastating to think of the way he was treated in his foster home, but I know that it happens. Those people who he was staying with should not be allowed to be anywhere near children. Can't wait to find out what happens next, on all fronts.
7/19/2022 c111 justanotherbookworm78
I figured Hannah's latest arrest wouldn't go over well, not that it should have. She was definitely taking unnecessary risks and Elliot had a right to be both angry and concerned. I'm glad he left it up to Olivia to decide what to do and say about it though. The mother/daughter conversation went better than I was expecting, and I'm glad Hannah opened up to Olivia, even if it did take a bit of time. It does seem like with what has happened recently, she's found what she wants to do in life, and I think she'd be great at it. Not only does she have the personal experience to make her empathetic on the job, but she has the street smarts to know about the kids she'd be helping, too. But, she has to survive high school first, and that is the hard part. While I'm glad Hannah isn't having as much trouble when it comes to people bothering her in school, she needs to put in the work so she can pass her classes. I'm sure Olivia will make sure that happens. Then there is the matter of Panic, who is another concern. I'm willing to wager the more Olivia hears about the other teens situation, she wonders whether or not she should intervene, and the fact that Hannah had her septum pierced by someone who was anything but a professional is troubling. But I was right about one thing - it wasn't the piercing itself that bothered Olivia, just how it was done. As for Hannah's penchant to mouth off to law enforcement, that is another matter entirely. Can't wait to see what happens next, whenever you have time to upload it.
7/19/2022 c111 spacekitten2700
Hanna needs to figure out how to work with the system
7/18/2022 c1 Heart Story
I’ve just read the first chapter and it’s a great start. I’ve not read a story of ours before so I hope I’m not offending you in any way by saying I think I’m going to enjoy it very much. You probably have many followers and I am happy to say I am one as well now.
7/17/2022 c110 justanotherbookworm78
Hannah is one determined young woman, especially when she sets her mind to something. In this case, it's helping Devon. Of course, she also has a tendency for getting in over her head. I'm glad that she wasn't in any serious trouble this time, and that she didn't get hurt when she went to find Tracy. That could have ended up so much worse than it did. Somehow I think that despite what she said, Alex would still do anything to help Hannah, and so would anyone else. Just can't help but wonder what Olivia is going to have to say about all this, though I have to think she'd be proud of her daughter for taking a stand for someone else, even if she's terrified of the risks she's taking.
7/17/2022 c110 spacekitten2700
7/15/2022 c109 LivLaughLoveSVU
Just the other day I came across a review I left on this story in 2014 ! so glad I rediscovered this story 8 years later and that you have continued on with this story ! can't wait to refollow and see where this story goes !
7/15/2022 c109 justanotherbookworm78
I really liked seeing Elliot and Hannah interact here. It's good she wants to help Devon so much, despite what he may have almost done to her. At least Elliot's ways of helping are, as he put it, more legal. I hope Alex is able to help in some way. I know there will be some charges, but maybe something can be worked out for Devon.
7/15/2022 c109 spacekitten2700
sweet chat
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