Just In
for Family is What you Make it

12/27/2022 c11 Lil'Sparrow7
Don’t know if the author still reads reviews but hey, I really liked this fic. Thanks for sharing it…
2/27/2022 c1 Shadowhawk4798
please update
1/8/2022 c11 1Kittens Kat
5/25/2020 c11 1PrincessMagic
can i say that i absolutely love this!
5/25/2020 c8 PrincessMagic
hahah cant wait!
5/25/2020 c5 PrincessMagic
love love love!
5/23/2020 c2 PrincessMagic
oof love it!
5/23/2020 c1 PrincessMagic
okay first of i want to say THIS IS SUCH A COOL IDEA!
Like, i clicked on the crossover section with such low hope, BUT WOW YES THIS IS SO BRILLIANT!
10/3/2019 c11 prncsshakespeare
this is an amazing storyline. will you be updating?
10/22/2018 c11 2BookFan96
I wish that you had continued this
7/16/2018 c7 Anon
Did you know, that no one is actually born with purple eyes? It's a mutation that happens after you are born that changes your eye color. Just an interesting piece of information I thought you'd like to know
5/28/2018 c9 3Spidey-phd
Interesting concept. Good pacing.

I'm interested about how snape will react to the discovery that jenna isn't Lily's daughter. The angsty loner hates anything to do with James potter. Did Lily leave a letter explaining everything to prevent him from abandoning the light? Or has snape known all along and this explains why he is such a bully to the girl?
9/8/2017 c11 Wolfy
I love this story! Please write more!
7/12/2017 c11 northwind132
I really like this story and hope you update it eventually.
7/5/2017 c6 4Tempest S
I very nearly stopped reading this after Chad made an appearance. Oc's are fine but one she instantly feels a connection with and all comfortable around? No. Feelings take time. No one is that comfortable around their crush from the get go.
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