Just In
for Family is What you Make it

9/8/2013 c4 Kaioo
This was pretty decent. I do hope to see updates more frequently... it's got me hooked.
9/8/2013 c4 2Penny is wise
Awesome chapter. Not the best first meeting for her and her brother but at least she won't have to look for him now lol.
9/8/2013 c4 22edboy4926
Good chapter.
Didn't they run a DNA search while she was in operation? At least to find out her blood type just in case they need a donor?
9/7/2013 c3 Yuki
Are we still updating? You've left us at a high point with a cliff hanger and a promise of something wonderful to come and its been 2 WEEKS! I'm dying to know what will happen and how Jenna and Jim will meet! PLEASE post the next chapter soon!
9/6/2013 c2 Venus914
Truthfully, i dont think it matters if James cheated on Lily. God, how i wish he did. Sirius is James best friend and Lily only became closer to the Marauders in 7th year. I think Sirius would choose James more.
9/1/2013 c3 3Skyeward MusicLover
8/31/2013 c3 18Snow-Nightshade
noooooooo... i wanna meet kurk... i wanna meet kurk! anyways... it was amazing... keep posting chapters and i'll keep reading!
8/29/2013 c3 Orange3WhiteSkew
Loving it so far! Those two are some of my favorite brother pairs as well. :) (Thank you, thank you, thank you, it's so hard to find a good crossover of these two books/series/shows.)
8/26/2013 c3 WingedIsis16
I normally do not review, however your story has been very ... Gripping so far and I really do love it. Keep up the good work and can't wait to read more.
8/25/2013 c3 15Rainy Ravenclaw
I adore this! It's awesome and totally original. Please don't ever give up on this. Good luck!
8/25/2013 c3 mattcun
plz write more
8/24/2013 c3 Sadie
Damn... I HATE YOU! (ok no really but still) You've got me all tied up into this fic and I cant wait to have her and Jim meet. Honestly it would be a bit funny if he hit on her before he knew who she was, unless she look enough like her mother. Cant quite remember what his mother looked like, guess I'll just have to watch the movie again (or i could Google it... nah.). So yes please put an end to my torchure and update again soon!
8/24/2013 c3 1SleepyMangaHead
She is Fates Bitch. But at the same time Fate love to cause problems for her while at the same time giving her presents. Example: running for death eaters but meeting her brother because of it. I love those pairings brother-wise. I can't wait to see how she reacts to meeting Spock because Jenna seems to be a very emotional person, just like Jim.
8/24/2013 c3 1Salena Knight
Good chapter! I'm really looking forward to Jim's and Bones' reaction to Jenna... :D
8/24/2013 c3 1ptl4ever419
I love it, can't wait for more :)
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