Just In
for Family is What you Make it

3/2/2015 c9 34anesor
Poor McCoy!
3/1/2015 c11 2Penny is wise
Awesome chapter.
2/28/2015 c11 sdoyle1989
This is a great story keep it up!
2/28/2015 c11 Melikalilly
I love this story so much :)
2/28/2015 c11 1Mystical-Elf-Of-Sorrow
awww, poor jenna
2/27/2015 c11 NicoleR85
I loved it. Please update soon.
2/27/2015 c11 xXxOtAkU-444xXx
I like it!
2/27/2015 c11 9KingKage73
Jenna is awesome
2/27/2015 c11 1ptl4ever419
Poor Jenna. Glad Jim and Bones know now.
2/27/2015 c11 1angel897
interesting to read as always happy you updated again been far too long
2/2/2015 c10 Sadie
OH MY GOODNESS... an UPDATE! YEA! lol, Happy to see the update but still looking forward to more happening. I'm hoping to see Jenna get into some classes soon and some more interaction with other characters. Still, looking forward to Jim's reaction in the next chapter.
1/31/2015 c10 3SakuraKoi
1/31/2015 c10 Noble Korhedron
Hmm, *SLAP* THAT was for the cliffy of what she told Jim. Now hurry up and show us the scenes of the infamous J.T. Kirk finding out magic exists, and I might write you a nice, flowery review for it with all the bells and whistles... ;-P
1/31/2015 c10 ctc
argh... cliffhanger!
just read your story from the beginning, very nice, exp since I am both HP & Star Trek fan!
1/30/2015 c10 2Penny is wise
Awesome chapter. Nice fluffy chapter.
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