Just In
for Family is What you Make it

1/29/2015 c10 2notsofrilly
Have you ever noticed that a story ends just when something important is about to happen? Now I have to wait until an update.
1/29/2015 c10 NicoleR85
I loved it. I can't wait to read how he will react. Please update soon.
1/29/2015 c10 4cyiusblack
update soon
1/28/2015 c10 9KingKage73
I still love this story
1/28/2015 c10 xXxOtAkU-444xXx
I like it!
1/28/2015 c10 Jostanos
Jenna left her Charms book on the bed and put away her PADD?
Didn't you mean the reverse? That she put away her Charms book and left out her PADD with the note that Jim reads after he returns to their apartment?

Omake: "I have something to tell you."

"I am a magic user."

"Those guys who were chasing me earlier? *takes a deep breath then sighs* They were chasing me because I left home during a 'civil war' of sorts."

"My name is Jenna Potter.. I am a witch from the EU who is the target of a terrorist organization because I survived a hit on my adopted family several years ago. Their leader has only just revived from his stasis and.."
1/28/2015 c10 3PhantomBowtie
Aaaaggghhhh, what a cut-off point!
1/28/2015 c10 1Mystical-Elf-Of-Sorrow
1/28/2015 c10 4jeskasaurus
another wonderful chapter. update again soon.
1/28/2015 c10 Guest
your timing could use improvement
1/28/2015 c10 1HaruHarry
It was q good chapter. Waiting to see Jim's reaction.
1/28/2015 c10 12Phoenix Warehouse Productions
Not bad, could have ended it with a better cliffhanger
1/28/2015 c10 1ptl4ever419
Love it. Hope Jim'd reaction is favourable.
1/28/2015 c10 1angel897
liked it fun to read most happy you updated again so please keep writing cant wait to read what will happen next.
1/28/2015 c10 Melikalilly
I love this story
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