Just In
for The Totally Amazing Spider-Man

3/26/2014 c6 14Rubius
nice story so far, just curious if peter is gonna end up with clover, alex, sam, or all three as girlfriends?
3/23/2014 c5 White Lantern Oath 009
There should be a crossover in different organizations against the bad guys in this crossover. SHIELD handles the super villains. WOOHP just handles the typical villains. Center handles the supernatural and extraterrestrial threat.

SHIELD would recruit Spider man first at Beverly Hills first and be the leader of his own team. Jerry and Nick Fury would argue who gets to keep him as their member, but Fury reminded him that Peter’s a super hero and it’s their responsible for protecting the world against super villains and Jerry should only handles the small threats against typical crazy villains. They merge their organizations together as the typical villains and super villains are now working together to take over the world and wish to destroy both SHIELD and WOOHP.

If there’s a crossover of other spider mans. I prefer the one in which we see Spider man gets killed by Anti-Venom. Rewinding in the start of the event, Spiderman 2099(from an Alternate Timeline) investigate Alchemax’s scientist Walker Sloan and discovers his plans to travel back in time and establish Alchemax in the past years before its time, allowing him to rebuild the company in his own image and prevent its rivals from ever being established. Spider-Man 2099 arrives just as Sloan enters his Gateway, but jumps through the portal too late to stop him. Trapped in the portal, Spider-Man 2099 sees visions of the original Spider-Man being killed by Anti-Venom as history alters around him. Upon his return to 2099, Spider-Man 2099 (unaffected by the time change due to being trapped in the portal) discovers that Sloan's changes to the timeline. Spider-Man 2099 then uses Peter Parker's DNA, stored within the company's archives, to create a chronal link with him, back in the present day. He then warns Spider-Man about the events to come about his death. Peter didn't believe him. Spider man 2099 join forces with the spies to save his other self from being brutally murdered. However they failed to save him, though Spider man 2099 brought him to the future to revive him using the DNA Generation Chamber with a record of Spider man DNA.
3/20/2014 c6
Please keep updating!
3/19/2014 c6 demarion
One quibble, when Jerry talks about mug and a rape- mugging, sure, but rape so does not fit the Totally Spies universe. That said, good story, hope you write more.
3/13/2014 c2 2Rosie Silver
Update! Please, I'm begging you! *cry's dramatically with violin music in the background*

3/2/2014 c3 White Lantern Oath 009
Arnold Jackson would become the host of Venom, after Doctor Octopus created the symbiote from Spider-man’s DNA. It bonded itself to several host such as Jerry, Dean, David, WOOHP Agents, Blaine, Sam, Clover, Alex and Peter before it attaches onto Arnold. The Spider-man and the spies thought they’ve destroyed the symbiote, but it survived in Arnold’s system. Arnold’s anger of being bullied all the time that turned him into a supervillian thanks to the symbiote and starts hunting down everybody he knew that bullied him. Arnold as Venom captures Peter and injects him with a sample of the symbiote and gets turned into Carnage to attack the spies.
2/26/2014 c1 White Lantern Oath 009
Here’s a possible mission update. Dr. Grey from "Totally Switched" and "Totally Switched Again", escapes and builds a device that splits a person's personality into multiple beings. Spiderman gets hit by it and got spit into multiple individuals that represent his personality, namely his sex appeal, brooding, rage, nerdiness or intellect, courage, timidity, greed and sloth. It’s up to the spies to put Peter back together while apprehending the escaped villain.
2/25/2014 c6 The Cobra2
make more chapters
2/25/2014 c1 Rosie Silver
Please update ASAP. This is getting really good!
2/21/2014 c6 Guest
2/23/2014 c6 8Jebest4781
well this was fun and had to laugh a little when the girls see Spiderman doing his thing and now the pursuit is on to get some fun results
2/23/2014 c5 Jebest4781
this was fun and good way to change Peter's appearance for the story to make him more appropriate. will be interesting on what will go on with WOOHP taking interests in Spiderman and of what I can tell this story is taking place of season 1 of Totally Spies
2/23/2014 c4 Jebest4781
fun way to have Spiderman start off in Beverly Hills and now he will get a lot of attention towards him for now on
2/23/2014 c3 Jebest4781
this was fun and it was good for the girls and their moms to get the up to date info on certain things so they can be sensitive to certain subjects later on
2/23/2014 c2 Jebest4781
like the idea for the love triangle right here while Alex would be a good supporting friend on the relationships. will be interesting on how the developments will go on for this story and how both series will blend well
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