Just In
for The Totally Amazing Spider-Man

8/20/2013 c2 NYR94
Nice story can't wait for the next chap
8/20/2013 c2 Mercwiththemouth
A very interesting crossover you have created. The idea of Peter being involved in a love triangle really peaks my interest.

You said that you plan to include Spidey villians into this story. Which ones to you plan to introduce?
8/19/2013 c2 highlander348
It's going to be fun watching Peter try to keep his secret from the girls! Something tells me it won't be that easy! (lol) Also I suspect they will be interfering when Peter is Spider-Man fighting one of his villains like say the Rhino or Sandman. Update soon! :)
8/17/2013 c1 Guest
Not a bad start. This story has a lot of potential and I look forward to seeing how it will progress.
8/16/2013 c1 MidnightMoon101
Loved it! An interesting concept and dont worry the chapter wasnt long :)
8/17/2013 c1 95Spidey Legend
Wow, a great start and yes, despite having the same idea, at the same time it will be different. I'm sure I will enjoy the Sam/Peter/Clover triangle.

PD: Do you have a plan of intriducing a Spidey villain going to Beverly Hills?
8/17/2013 c1 Killmenowman
interesting chapter.
8/17/2013 c1 Deadpool949
This is actually a pretty good start. Good job.
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