Just In
for The Totally Amazing Spider-Man

5/24/2018 c1 King of fans
I can safely say that whoever is peters chemistry partner is guaranteed in A.
4/28/2018 c8 Gregarious
This fanfic is super good! Can't wait to read the next chapter.
3/19/2018 c8 LimonLemon
I love it but it's been 3 YEARS,
3/19/2018 c1 LimonLemon
Blue eyes* Peter Parker has ice blue eyes
12/4/2017 c8 46Thunderstrike16
Just wanted to tell you how a great job your doing. Spider-Man is my favorite marvel character and Totally Spies was one of my favorite shows when I was a kid. You did all the characters perfectly and the story is great. I know you haven't updated in two years but I hope you update soon. Because I really want to see when the girls and Peter find out about each other and the whole love triangle thing. Keep up the good work and hope you update soon.
11/14/2017 c8 Guest
Please update
10/13/2017 c7 Guest
It's Kingpin
10/6/2017 c8 Guest
great story
10/3/2017 c4 93erica.phoenix16
Please update soon.
8/26/2017 c8 197Luiz4200
I guess the mystery judge is the Kingpin.
8/12/2017 c8 Fan
Are you ever going to update this again?.
6/8/2017 c3 93erica.phoenix16
Please update soon.
5/17/2017 c8 Guest
What's taking so long?! It's been two years!
5/8/2017 c8 Charles Gorman
What a thrilling chapter! Great choice to use Kingpin as a huge villain in this story.
5/8/2017 c7 Charles Gorman
Another great chapter
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