Just In
for Mustang's daughter

4/29/2018 c6 5RoyalPrincessHinataHyuga
I love the story so much. I hope to read more when you have the time to post more please and thank you.
6/21/2016 c1 cristal
i understood that reference
12/21/2015 c1 cristal
i got that reference
2/23/2014 c6 emmella
You are a great author continue this great work please!
2/8/2014 c6 ARandomGuest
Hi! I really like this story, it has a good plot. I don't really have any suggestions, except continuing. I hope this helps w/motivation!
12/29/2013 c6 8Simple Silver Lining
So, a couple things...

First, this is a really good story! I'm surprised that are so few reviews!

Second, I understand what it's like to be struggling with motivation without reviews...but doing this is what turns people away at times (i'm speaking from experience. )

Third, don't worry, this is a great story, be patient, don't beg for reviews, and before you realize it, they'll be shooting up

Four, OMG! Parental! Mustang is soooo cute! There needs to be more fics like this!

And fifth, update soon...or die! •
12/22/2013 c6 procon
I wanna know what happens next! So far the only fanfics I've read are naruxsasu ones and I decided to go with some FMA. I really like it so far so please continue if you can!
12/22/2013 c6 2Bluefire21
It is a really good story and I'll keep reading it if you keep posting! At least until it gets too involved between Ed and Roy. Nothing against the story or you, I just dislike the pairing.
12/22/2013 c6 Xodiac 451
Do I need to bring out the fork again?
12/9/2013 c5 Bluefire21
I don't think it was sucky…but it was utterly adorable! And Maes…I think he just had an epiphany that he never wanted…oh well, since when were epiphanies ever wanted anyway?
11/11/2013 c4 rand0mwriter
You are doing exceptionally well with this! Please keep working on it!
11/9/2013 c1 Usabunny371
THIS IS AMAZING! Keep it up!
10/27/2013 c3 Bluefire21
I don't like yaoi, but I'll stick it out for a while longer until it's too intense just cause' parental Roy and sweet little Vickie are so cute! (and I know this is the wrong chapter, but oh well, stubborn website...)
10/24/2013 c4 3fangirl2013
This is really cool please continue it!
10/24/2013 c4 2Bluefire21
I'll review! The colonel with a daughter is so cute! And the fact that it's also the daughter of the lieutenant's sister makes it that much better!
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