Just In
for Finding Happiness

10/3/2013 c7 FangBanger
Oh my God... *wipes away tear* this chapter was freaking amazing! I have so many wonderful Paric feels right now. I screamed so loud when he gave her the ring, omfg everything is perfect! That smut was great and I hope there might be more in future chapters. Keep up the great work!
10/2/2013 c7 Guest
Perfect! :)
10/3/2013 c7 6lorena.bueno.14
It's super cute *-* I loved this chapter! I want more :)
9/8/2013 c6 FangBanger
Omg but lets talk about how adorable this chapter was! Eric washing Pam's hair was freaking perf, and telling everyone that they're engaged has my feels in a frenzy because I seriously want these two to get married! It'd be super cute if he got her some kind of ring to wear! Update soon :D
9/8/2013 c6 Guest
Wow I am loving your story. Wish this would happen on the show. Keep up the good work and look forward to the next one
9/8/2013 c6 Guest
9/8/2013 c6 lorena.bueno.14
Wow... I want more, please!

I love the way eric is so cute with Pam, *-* I can't help a smile in my face.
9/5/2013 c5 Guest
I am really enjoying your story and I am looking forward to the next ch
9/5/2013 c5 lorena.bueno.14
I voted last night both polls. I'll be very happy if Eric to hook up with Pam. :)
it will be absolutely wonderful if they would have their own show. You get it
I love your story overall, what can I say? completely I'm Paric. I hope really looking forward your next chapter.
9/5/2013 c5 Guest
This story is really great and I get super happy when I get a new chapter 3
9/2/2013 c4 Pam'sBitch
I'm not even gonna lie I'm in love with this story and can't wait for the next chapter:)
9/1/2013 c4 Guest
Perfeect 3
8/27/2013 c3 Guest
Great cliffhanger, I like this story. Please update soon!
8/27/2013 c3 Pam'sBitch
just found this story and i love it already...cant wait for the next chapter this one left me in suspence. I have faith that paric will prevail in the end :)
8/27/2013 c3 Guest
Ahhh so perfect 3
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