Just In
for Unlikely Friendship, Impossible Love

7/22/2014 c31 maroonandgoldscarves14
Honey is such a two faced niffler! I hope scorp breaks up with her. And what the winsor clique did to natilie was horrible! Who cares if youre gay or lesbian or whatever! Love is love no matter who you decide to give your love to. Idiots
7/14/2014 c31 14Royalty Over Reality
Great chapter, but you forgot Marcella! Obviously, this race isn't exactly something she's very well prepared for, but, I think she'd take an non traditional approach to it. She would know that the tournament would never just put her through a race, so she would trust her feet since she's pretty athletic and focus on stealth and ways to slow down the others . (I used to be called Crazykitten2112)
7/7/2014 c30 SheepAreFluffy97
Oh my dayyyyys! I might die if this story is not updated! I have a request for the next chapter. honey away from Scorp, and get rose and her friends back together!

4/19/2014 c30 2fandom-freak16
i hope ron beats on him
4/8/2014 c29 fandom-freak16
lol not a wand well not the kind she hopes it is I love this story it is amazing
4/8/2014 c29 14Royalty Over Reality
I like how realistically you portray the treatment if sexual harassment victims. I also love the last scene! I loved the tongue-in-cheek tone of it. That scene could easily be poorly written smut but you made it cute and clever.
4/8/2014 c29 1ShHpBookworm
Hey, I kind of presume you posted this chapter by accident or something as it is so disjointed and hard to follow? I absolutely adore this story up until now, if you could just clear up whatever went wrong with this chapter. Keep up the good work:)
4/8/2014 c29 JustMeMarissa
I'm sorry, but this chapter seems really out of place. Al lot of the punctuation marks are missing, making the chapter really difficult to read. Same with the bold/not bold parts. Maybe you can repost it, because this is not very well done and definitely not like you or your earlier work. Maybe Word (or whatever) or the website messed it up?
3/11/2014 c28 Kate
A race, huh? That should be interesting. And Rox knows about what Sam did... I wonder if she will do anything.
3/13/2014 c28 14Royalty Over Reality
I can't wait for the race! I love how much stuff is going on in this story, yet it doesn't get confusing. Great job!
3/12/2014 c28 Mythtea
Sup I'm myth I love the story and I'm horrible at reviews but anyway good luck in your exams! :)
3/11/2014 c28 2fandom-freak16
omg he is going to get slain by the weasley clan and scorpius of course
2/17/2014 c27 Kate
Oh, wow, I can't believe Sam. I hope Rose is better soon.
2/12/2014 c27 14Royalty Over Reality
Great chapter. If you're a girl (which most fanfictioners are) you're really good at writing from boys's POV. If you're a guy, then you're really good at writing for girls. Nice job!
2/7/2014 c26 Royalty Over Reality
That was really good. You write such good chapters dealing with some edgy by great themes. I always new that Sam was douche! I ALWAYS KNEW IT!
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