Just In
for Captain Rodgers

8/1/2017 c1 Melissab2883
Please update great story so far
5/8/2017 c1 tosh.lane
I know its been 3 years nearly 4 but could you continue the story?
8/7/2016 c1 6WayofLife4587
Can I have this story I'm really up for challenge to have Rick Castle as a military man and a mystery writer
9/6/2014 c1 Procrastination Is My Game
This is fantastic! I love the idea, haven't seen it before. Maybe you could write about Castle meeting Beckett and the others, them not knowing anything about his army experience and maybe finding out?
10/28/2013 c1 Guest
This was good. You should do another with the same storyline but of how Beckett figures it out. It was good. I have been looking for fan fiction of Castle being in The military. Hope you continue and good job
10/26/2013 c1 1madcloisfan
Loved it.
10/12/2013 c1 Guest
That was good. I have been looking for good Castle-military stories. You should continue with the story.
8/26/2013 c1 Ophelie
OMG this is an interesting story! I didn't think about a story like this! This is a great one, great idea :)
8/26/2013 c1 clync13
Interested in where this story is going... Sounds good.

Don't really worry if not all your facts are right, it maybe frustrating for some who do know but it is fanfiction and if they don't like it they don't have to read it... Though it is still good to have an understanding on what you are writing about, so I do suggest maybe doing some more research on future chapters.

Anyways for people who know nothing about anything like me, who don't really care whether facts are right or not, really hope you continue.

You can only get better the more you write, so don't stop!
8/26/2013 c1 spockette19
You have him entering Ranger School as a "First Sergeant", after being promoted from Corporal? I thought I explained this already. As an E-4, Corporal, he cannot just jump four ranks and become an E-8, First Sergeant. No way, no how. I assume this was an error, and you actually meant Sergeant, E-5.

You have him going to Ranger School, and then returning to his old unit? Nope, not happening. Why would he go to Ranger School if he wasn't actually going to be a Ranger?

Also, you have him as a Sergeant (enlisted rank) at the beginning of the Gulf War, then receiving a promotion to second lieutenant (commissioned officer) due to his actions.

No. This does not happen. You cannot go from an enlisted rank to an officer's rank without attending officer candidate school, which means he would have to leave the middle east, go back to the US, and attend OCS for 13 weeks, plus any additional training, then return as an O-1.

I thought I was clear in my last message, but there is a minimum time you must be in each rank before you are promoted. It is required by law - and no matter how valorous your actions are, you cannot be promoted ahead of it. To be promoted from O-1, Second Lieutenant to O-2, First Lieutenant, you must have served as a Second Lieutenant for at least 18 months. To be promoted from O-2, First Lieutenant to O-3, Captain, you must have served as a First Lieutenant for at least 2 years.

The Gulf War lasted six months. There is absolutely no possible way he could have been an E-5 at the beginning and an O-3 at the end.

Okay, look. Yes, you need a beta. But before you have a beta, you need to stop and THINK about what you're writing.

You're writing a story about how Castle was in the military and was promoted really quick? Okay! First things first, learn how promotions in the military work. Research that stuff. Google "us army enlisted promotions" and "us army officer promotions" and "us army enlisted to officer"

Your story includes a list of the operations he took part in as a member of the US Army? Okay! First things first, learn what operations involved US Army deployment and what didn't. I cannot think of a single incident in the Gulf of Sidra that involved the US Army.

You have your character being shot in the chest and legs? Okay! First things first, learn about bullet wounds and recovery time.

You have your character serving in the Gulf War? Okay! First things first, learn how long the First Gulf War was and what kind of things took place, and then think about what was possible in that time frame. The First Gulf War didn't even last a year. Your character could not attend officer candidate school, be commissioned as a 2LT, get promoted 2 ranks and recover from multiple gunshot wounds in six months.

Instead of rushing to publish the story as fast as possible, slow down, take your time. Read over what you write. Instead of just skimming through what you already wrote and changing the ranks, try re-writing the whole thing from the beginning to fit in with what you now know. It will minimize mistakes (like you referring to Castle as Colonel in this story) If you don't know something, take the time to research it before you just make stuff up.

There's an old saying: write what you know. It's okay if you want to write about the military, but if you don't know anything, please try and learn about it first.

Castle never wrote a book without doing research, and he always wants to get the details right. Try doing the same. It will make you a better writer.
8/26/2013 c1 Pat Toby
the story is going good please update soon

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