Just In
for Smile for Me

9/26/2023 c14 Degg
Such a sweet ending
6/17/2022 c14 2Sakura521
this was so cute! I loved it so much! <3 <3 it's 5 am ups but the story was just so lovely I couldn't stop reading hashgdvd <3
11/9/2021 c14 Reikuwu
So cute omg
I love reading kaito with real magic it’s so cool?!
And the whole magic world and history and stuff you thought of… you’re amazing!?
Also one thing I’ve always liked to see: the parents approving their kid’s S.O. yeahhh!
Also i hope ran and hakuba end up tgt in this world too LMAO
4/7/2021 c14 YukineKaze
GAH, I WANT TO SAY MORE BUT- oh sorry, my capslock seems broken. like i said, i wan't to say more, but i'm suck at commenting. ik i haven't said this, but all of ur work (kaishin ones, coz i only need Kaishin doses) are splendid! i hope u will keep going on story about those cutie pair, and i also hope your days or nights will goes well! (sorry, i'm suck at eng)
10/8/2020 c14 utamina05
I have read this story and commented too, before I had this new account. I reread again this moment~ Ahh... your stories are great! Thanks for sharing 3
7/23/2020 c14 Zero.g
7/23/2020 c13 Zero.g
I love Shinichi's logic for stocking his favorite coffee xD
3/21/2019 c14 26Fi Suki Saki
It was So great!
Everything went well so smoothly... So I'm really Glad!
I wish Shinichi would meet Kaito's parents, but I felt better knowing Toichi after found out was pretty supportive and not angry at all.
And Shinichi get an adventure by Kaito before they finally face to face again. Awwww
I'm also happy Kaito confess his feeling.
I Love it!
10/27/2018 c14 AbyssalDjnn
That was quite different. In a good way, I mean. I loved it. Well written. And sweet to the right degree. I found the characters a bit OOC, but you still maintained most of the traits which makes them them. I usually don't like much when they're OOC. But here, it's quite a nice change and not at all overwhelming, almost unnoticed. After all, as their background stories vary, they ought to be a bit different too. A sweet KaiShin, indeed. One of the thing I most appreciated was the little insight in Kai and his father(alive!)'s relationship, plus Chikage. Nice, very nice. Look forward to read other your works!
5/14/2018 c14 Guest
I enjoyed it
8/26/2017 c11 Alice
Hi! This is such a great story and I must tell you how much I adore it! This is the 3rd time I've read this and it still never fails to make me smile. I laughed too hard while reading the part about the cook and the talking food. The whole story is just brilliant and really sweet and I loved every minute of it! Really lovely work!
3/7/2017 c14 6luneXD
Whaoo !
That ws so interesting! Very amazing! I enjoyed a lot this story ! A real pleasure to read!
Thanks a lot!
1/20/2017 c14 4icarusdg
I loved this, sad to see it end, but loved it all the same. A sequel, where family and friends meet and maybe difficulties with getting the books together, would be great but this is good as is.
11/27/2016 c14 Guest
Awwww, this is definitely one of my favorite stories! Of course, ALL of your stories are my favorite stories... Hee hee. :P The end WAS kind of abrupt, but it was still a cute ending. The whole, "the ending is the beginning" kinda thing. AND THERE CAN NEVER BE ENOUGH STORIES WITH TOICHI IN IT. There's not enough of those! D,x
10/2/2016 c14 15Butterfly Knot
This ending does feel a bit abrupt. While reading the previous chapter and this chapter I was wondering how long this story was gonna be because I felt that the story should get wrapped up for an end after the bouquet, and then when Kaito introduced the magic book project I thought this story was gonna go for another arc and then BAM! the end. Overall it's an interesting story but the ending does feel a bit sudden because of the introduction of a new project in the story. Thank you for writing as usual and looking forward to your next work D
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