Just In
for Unexpected Father

7/15/2023 c1 trbennett26
Hi, this is a great start to an interesting story! Please finish it, I would like to see what happens next and how Raven ended up at the Dursleys.
4/10/2016 c1 1aquablue15
Amazing story you should continue!
5/12/2014 c1 1Calmzone1
good story, hope you continue
3/5/2014 c1 5Mila Pink
I found the story very interesting and would like to read more.
2/11/2014 c1 rakely
Please update. I like the plot and young Raven.
12/28/2013 c1 dracos-girl-221b
Ohhhh please update soon!
9/2/2013 c1 1Chemise Winchester
I think that Draco is jealous because of Raven and Severus but he needs to that Raven was abused now that he as his daddy back he is not going to let him go.
8/31/2013 c1 14elvesknightren
slow down,I like the main idea,you seem very excited about it :)
8/29/2013 c1 Guest
I love it
8/29/2013 c1 1geetac
I liked the chapter

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