Just In
for Warrior Cat Poems

7/13/2018 c32 8DappledleafTheBootiful
I think you should stick with these short poems! They are really good and I enjoy reading them when I am bored. And I the competition still one because here is my poem, for Snowfur

It wasn't fair
Why couldn't she see
Thistleclaw was the one for me
We had one kit
Named him White
His fur was visible
Even in the night
I was cooped up inside
The Nursery all day
So I sent little Whitekit
Off to play
We chased a ShadowClan patrol
Back across the border
But my life was getting shorter
I turned round and was scared by was I could see
A gigantic monster heading for me
I turned to flee
ShadowClan staring at me
But my life was already over

Was that alright? If the competition is off then I will write this again on a story i wrote full of poems
-Dappled Out
12/22/2014 c32 breyer horse fan
When are u going to make more ? Please do
7/29/2014 c30 4shortcomings
Oakheart! Plz, he's my favourite warrior!
7/29/2014 c27 shortcomings
Jayfeather is awesome!
7/29/2014 c24 shortcomings
The one about Sandstorm is my favourite.
7/29/2014 c15 shortcomings
Firestar was like everyone's son! I bet mothers were like, "Why can't you be more like Firepaw?"
7/29/2014 c10 shortcomings
Is Ravenkit an OC?
5/27/2014 c30 2lesbiansandstorm
yes please do sandstorm
5/27/2014 c30 the third person
Umm... Siverstream! Or Graystripe!
5/27/2014 c24 another person
No offence Icefeather, but the Sandstorm poem made me cry. I'm serious, it was A-MAZE-ING!
5/27/2014 c10 person
They are beutiful poems! Just remembering these wonderful characters makes me teary-eyed!
1/5/2014 c28 8ScipioPB
Such good poems :3.
1/5/2014 c28 10clockwork marionette
Thank you for sharing my poems I worked hard on. This will always be something in my heart.
1/1/2014 c27 Icefeather
Poor Jayfeather xD
12/30/2013 c26 Icefeather
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