Just In
for Pirate Series (1): Drink up me 'earties yo ho!

6/6/2017 c5 Oolee
Hopefully this will continue. I hope you are well and of course that is more important than the story.
That said , ooh there are so many possibilities.
9/21/2015 c6 Xenagabbyrizzilsles
Another great story not finished
4/11/2015 c6 Guest
Great story!
3/12/2015 c6 shad
glad to see you're still working on this. i like the way you've merged the two worlds. can't be easy to mesh to very different settings and styles but you pull it off well so i applaud you. on a side note i hope you're doing better after rehab (not that it's any of my business but i wish you all the best anyway) [does that make me a creepy stranger/reviewer? if so not my intention] on another side note i recently found out the next pirates movie is being filmed and is supposedly going to come out in 2017. not sure if that's good news for you but i'm excited. anyway happy writings and stuff. laters.
3/11/2015 c6 lalalalee
whar ye been mate!
3/11/2015 c6 5mindandbodychaos
Yeah! A new chapter! Im glad you will be continuing with this story. Im excepted for more.
3/11/2015 c6 Harley Quinn Davidson
Love the story and can not wait for more
6/8/2014 c5 Nightwing 509
I like the way you had Jane and Maura meet.
6/8/2014 c5 Harley Quinn Davidson
Love it and can not wait for more.
6/7/2014 c5 lalalalee
don't take her away! LLBFFs can't be separated. but I guess I can handle them being reunited at a more mature age? love me a pirate story yessiree! glad to see ya again! ;)
6/7/2014 c5 TDP619
Glad you didn't quit the story. Hope everything is well now, looking forward to more updates.
6/7/2014 c5 erzarizzoli
I am still interested. So I hope that you can continue and finish this story until the end, however long it will take. ;p
5/29/2014 c4 1ZIrvs
Yeah, I don't know about anyone else but I am most definately following this tale. Even should I have to go so far as to cross the seven seas themselves.

4/4/2014 c4 Harley Quinn Davidson
Love the story and can not wait for more.
4/4/2014 c4 TDP619
Great twist on a great movie. I really don't know how you make it all work but it does. Wonderfully. I'm really enjoying this. Great work!
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