Just In
for Tantalisers

10/12/2013 c16 6chocaholic123
Bad Mr Cullen. And Miss Swan. Very naughty but very nice. I loved it.
10/12/2013 c16 23Maplestyle
Loved this!
10/10/2013 c15 26EveryDayBella
Aaaawwww so sweet!
10/9/2013 c15 Nannyjojo
ooo, naughty naughty, lol.
He did dare you, lol.
Talk about payback.
yeah I think he noticed her now.
Loved it.
10/8/2013 c15 mommymac0508
Hehehehehehe now that is how to get to the yummy part
10/8/2013 c15 wonderfullybedazzled
She showed him!
10/8/2013 c14 wonderfullybedazzled
Wow the stories you come up with from the prompts are amazing.
10/8/2013 c13 wonderfullybedazzled
You are such a tease!
10/8/2013 c12 wonderfullybedazzled
10/8/2013 c11 wonderfullybedazzled
10/8/2013 c10 wonderfullybedazzled
Hmmm b wanted em? Still want more. Your killin'me!
10/8/2013 c9 wonderfullybedazzled
Damn, every post I want more.
10/8/2013 c15 4snoopylover60
15, chapter 15!

More please! :)
10/8/2013 c15 DawnsWhimsy
That was fantastic! Such a sweet tease :)
10/8/2013 c15 2Capricorn75
Oooh, it's a bit warm in here right now. *fans self*
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