Just In
for Tantalisers

11/23/2013 c24 meadow11
awww, sweetness
11/23/2013 c23 meadow11
that was hysterical!
11/17/2013 c5 19ladylibre
What did he say? Gah! I wish I knew :-)
11/17/2013 c4 ladylibre
WOW. Did not see that coming.
11/17/2013 c3 ladylibre
Ohhhh, interesting!
11/17/2013 c2 ladylibre
*sniffles* so sad!
11/17/2013 c1 ladylibre
I'm already sorry these are just teasers... LOVE IT!
11/11/2013 c25 alisapay1
Loved them all and am glad you accomplished your goal! Thanks so much for writing! Mwah!
11/10/2013 c25 mommymac0508
I loved it he is about to start a new chapter in his life now will she still fit in
11/10/2013 c24 mommymac0508
That was funny cute and sweet
11/10/2013 c25 Twiolic
I would love to see this one continued.
11/10/2013 c25 8dazzleglo
A catch 22 have to leave to make it but leaving means making changes and you need to keep yourself true to who you are.
11/10/2013 c23 dazzleglo
Lmao this was good
11/10/2013 c25 4snoopylover60
Love the 25! I wish it was 35!

Looking forward to your next story :)
11/10/2013 c25 3pinklady34
Great job...loved it.
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