Just In
for Tantalisers

11/10/2013 c24 4snoopylover60

Love it! :)
11/10/2013 c24 Nannyjojo
Oh that was just too sweet.
Loved it.
11/10/2013 c23 wonderfullybedazzled
11/10/2013 c23 Nannyjojo
Poor Bella.
11/10/2013 c23 DawnsWhimsy
Hahaha sucks to be her! I would kick Edward in the shin when I got down that's for sure.
11/10/2013 c23 debslmac
11/10/2013 c23 mommymac0508
Hahahahaha poor Bella and to be stuck there heheheheh
11/9/2013 c22 Twiolic
To be continued? I hope...
11/9/2013 c22 2Capricorn75
Oh my gosh, out of ALL the tantalisers you've posted so far, this one- a non-Edward prompt, of all things!- is the one I most want to see expanded upon.
11/9/2013 c22 Nannyjojo
Not expecting that,
Loved it.
11/8/2013 c22 mommymac0508
Wow he was there just when she needed him
11/8/2013 c22 DataByteDL-FangirlinGranma
Very intriguing! Of course I want to know what happened, what's happening and what will happen! Lol
I love to be surprised and I was thinking it was her who had died, so I was surprised! Thanks!
Really great use of this prompt!
Awaiting the next masterpiece!
11/8/2013 c22 DawnsWhimsy
So good.
11/8/2013 c22 4snoopylover60
This would be great continued...
11/8/2013 c22 3pinklady34
Oh I'm intrigued
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