Just In
for It's Not Funny

1/2/2003 c1 14ThE KiDDo
Hehe.. ain't it funny that my review came a little bit late ^^;; It's a sweet fic from you Mayumi. Lovely and I really liked yer idea ^_^ No kiddin', cool one and keep on goin, bud!
9/17/2002 c1 oldaccountnotactive

This is so cool! The things miyagi thought about while singing the song is so touching...I like it!^_^


9/16/2002 c1 7oriquey
me thinks me read this at the Babble ^^ *chuckle* as u may already know...I don't usually read MitMiya...but...I guess this one is an exception *giggles and huggles*
9/15/2002 c1 16sky75rk
Hiyah! It's me! I'm da first! I'm da first! hehe... it's been a long time and i haven't been in the chatroom for so long... i haven't got the chance to chat with you nemore... but! you jst have to continue on writing... you dnt do fics nowadays... ummm... maybe... i know i haven't... i havent been uploading in a very long tme... maybe i would quit if i dnt uipload soon... but! that's not going to happen... i hope... anywei... nice... very nice...

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