Just In
for Bonds

12/4/2018 c2 Guest
I like the story so far but Lucy seems a bit out of character in the way she is towards Natsu like she doesn't care about him as much as she normally would.
11/9/2015 c2 AYEEEE.sir
This is awesome. The only thing that I think you should recheck for are typos and grammar mistakes both in this chapter and Ch 1. Otherwise..I love it!
11/8/2015 c26 42Amethystfairy1
YOU FINISHED IT YOU FINISHED IT HOLY CRAP YES! I have been waiting and waiting for the chapter to tie it all together and here it is and I am very happy at this moment in time! Good job! Loved this story! Awesome! Yay! Applause!
7/24/2015 c20 1Rage0fPhoenix
7/24/2015 c25 stardust902
Great story, keep it up :)
7/23/2015 c25 BlueStarLightCB
Good job with everything! I can't wait for the wrap up! Keep up the good work!
7/23/2015 c1 f.tastarossa
It been so long, I didnt have time to read. I think I will start reading from zero .Anyway, Thanks for update!
7/23/2015 c25 16Wolves Silver Wind
Yay, an update! Woohoo! Arigato! He's glass now, serves him right! Thank you for this chapter! For now I must go to my pack!
7/8/2015 c24 2ndLovelyAddition
Dragon Like Raging Pissed Off Natsu... I can see several hundred glass sculptures in the future, (Heat Sand Glass in case you didn't get the reference) and a charred corpse that used to be a master sand mage at one point in time! Buahahaha, I can't wait for the next update.
6/26/2015 c1 Guest
OMG, I just want to know, what will happen now ;-; I hope you will update soon this wonderful and amazing story 3
5/19/2015 c7 Guest
Woohoo! That's what I'm talking about! This is an amazing fanfiction, and I hope you will make more! fanfiction is the only thing I have to live for! •
5/18/2015 c3 hayakisecret10
I am so angry that I want to kill the ones who kidnapped Natsu so much no wait torture them instead until I am satisfied then give them to the people who wants to torture them as well and also I love the story but the ones who kidnapped Natsu
5/13/2015 c24 BlueStarLightCB
Was written fairly well! I quite enjoyed this chapter for shipping I love NaLu and GraTsu so Natsu and Lucy and Gray and Natsu if it's not them it won't be the end of the world but would still love to see one of those! keep up the good work!
5/11/2015 c24 Wolves Silver Wind
YAY! AN UPDATE! Everyone was so happy~ and Natsu was such a badass. Wonder what the next move will be, and who will do it... CAN'T WAIT (but I will if I have to)! Until then, I'll be with my pack!
5/10/2015 c24 45Wacko12
it's called Mira's Satan Soul, not Demon Soul
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