Just In
for A New Journey

5/26/2024 c12 J
Spoiler warning?

Not bad, but a little edgy at times, it hits harder now that the show is over. (even if it WAS made in 2013)

While the supporting characters (Like Ash's Zoroark mom) don't amount to much, they don't get in the way either, although it WOULD have been nice to see Ash and Cobalion spend more time together.

And the sudden 'May is a fairy guardian' twist comes in too late to be more than a dues ex machina, her design was cool though.

The ending itself is rather bittersweet, seeing one of the OG rivals come to terms with Ash's death, it's legit kinda sad, ESPECIALLY reading this in 2024, and it would be pretty cool to see what kind of Ash/blue does in a sequel, how WOULD the series change with him (sort of ) gone?

TLDR: Bittersweet, and a bit edgy, but surprisingly good, read if you like a good 'what if' scenario. 8/10
6/24/2022 c2 2KvAT
The brain had forgotten, yet the soul remembers
12/20/2021 c12 Guest
This is a really good series of chapters my favorite was chapter 7 and i think you should(if you know how)create this to be a movie,but you should change it to where Garry does tell Blue who he used to be then Blue should realize he is Ash in the movie that you could\should make.
12/5/2021 c12 Pikachumaster18
This story is surprisingly well done. I have read it from the beginning to the end and in the end of it I will give it a 8.75 out of 10. The story is very compelling and memorable its not gonna be easy to forget.
10/29/2021 c12 9Zaidee Lighthart
Thank you for writing this and sharing it with us. It was such a lovely story, even if it brought me to tears at several points. XD I really enjoyed this whole story. Thank you.
8/13/2021 c10 Justin
This is so good as a person who loves to think about these types of good to read this even tho i'm not a big reader this was first time reading a fanfiction.I do not regret reading have taken a while to read the whole but it was well worth it.
6/27/2021 c12 Guest
Please make a sequel!
11/2/2020 c1 Daniel1122
I reread this after a while PogChamp
10/1/2019 c3 2Jaylen13
I shed some tears. good job.
12/14/2018 c4 Guest
Happy birthday
11/2/2018 c12 Guest
man that was a heck of a chapter pls make more pokemon fan fics your fan fics are great
6/21/2018 c12 Cat
This was a ride , i feel like crying now !
Like woah..
6/2/2018 c8 10citrussky82
Mega Lucario! Awesome!

Oh, Max's Stunky is also awesome that it took out 2 fast Mienshaos with one hit KO!

Those two will be smelling it for a while XD
6/2/2018 c7 citrussky82
I love Gary's Skiddo XD

So precious! Tackling and headbutting everyone she meets! Lol!
5/11/2018 c12 Sliver Crystal of Tokyo-Moon
Love this story!
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