Just In
for All Because of You

1/4/2017 c3 1MollyOfStetriol
1/4/2017 c2 MollyOfStetriol
4/1/2015 c3 AwEsOmEiZeR123
I love your one-shots!

I really like all the ships you have done! They are all amoungst my all time fave ships. Can you please do more?! You are an amazing writer!
10/31/2014 c3 Guest
please continue with this. can you do more jix?
10/15/2014 c3 Guest
Awww this is so good! Please write more :) I loved it!
10/15/2014 c2 Guest
I love Marina & Eight, they're perfect! And great story by the way :)
5/4/2014 c3 5karimebane
Update ASAP
3/12/2014 c3 2124 Lines
I like it, but I have to say I hate how humans treat the war almost like nothing. And the humans are so unconsiderate, and treat the war like nothing. Sure they say pitying things but they don't actually care, they are just like I'm still alive, great.
I like your one shots though. Sorry I'm rambling, I just wanna point out how Much I hate humans in the lorien legacies. I know I'm human though...
Sorry for rambling. I love your oneshots. Update soon!
3/12/2014 c3 13meganace
*claps* These little stories are amazing.
12/16/2013 c2 3scone104
Update soon :)
Make a one-shot for ummmmm Nix? Sam and Six (they don't have a ship name right?)
10/3/2013 c2 Alyssa
Love chapter 2
10/3/2013 c2 Kiwi Bird
Please do more marina/eight they can never be cheesy enough!
10/3/2013 c2
Awww I love the fluff! :D it's sooo cute!
10/3/2013 c1 lordpujan
good 3013
9/25/2013 c1
Can't wait for Marina's and eight's one-shot! :D update soon!
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