Just In
for I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

6/19/2014 c5 25HogwartsDreamer113
I don't trust Nadia... at all... Stefan seemed confused when Roxanne mentioned her. Maybe she's his cousin?
And Stefan was suspicious when it came to those maps. Drumstang is planning something...
I suspected the same thing Anna and Roxanne did at the end of the chapter before they did. If so, poor Mel. :(
6/17/2014 c4 Guest
Please don't leave again! Especially not after you've introduced some interesting new characters.
6/15/2014 c4 HogwartsDreamer113
Great to have you back! Stefan seems... Interesting. And I think you're the first person to put Fred in Slytherin! I only have Molly there, And maybe Albus. I just can't decide if I want him and Scorpius in Gryffindor or Slytherin! I do know they're in the same house. :)
1/14/2014 c3 asdfghjkl
CONTINUE! Thats all I have to say!
12/20/2013 c3 HogwartsDreamer113
Interesting way to sort all the Weasleys. I think the voice in her head was Fred (her father's twin of course, not her brother)
11/24/2013 c2 3Lily Rae
Oh my Gosh! A new story! Eeeek I'm excited :D keep going! :)
11/14/2013 c2 RochiiPotterGrangerWeasley
Oh God, that intrigues! That good chapter hope you update soon.
10/27/2013 c2 25HogwartsDreamer113
Why do I get the feeling that's a werewolf, not a wolf? Maybe because you mentioned a full moon.
10/10/2013 c1 RochiiPotterGrangerWeasley
what? no more chapters? why? I was with curiosity.
10/10/2013 c1 HogwartsDreamer113
Good beginning. Though you already had me read this so you know my opinion. :)
10/9/2013 c1 The Good Child
I wonder if her uncle fred is gonna be in her head?
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