Just In
for Drabbles

1/26/2017 c6 Ava
I shouldn't have.
this is the best death scene you wrote yet. ( usually the ones that come fastest are the best... at least in my experience.)
I just rewatched the deaths of Fili, Kili and Thorin and the funeral. I really shouldn't have done that, now I'm going to have to explain why my face is full of tears to my parents. :/
12/7/2016 c10 2The Penguin Queen
This. Is. By far. The best. Thing. Ever.
You have mastered Kíli and Fíli fluff. I'm just. Ugh. And Thorin and the Giants! There are no words. :3
12/17/2015 c10 NapoConFritas
Hopefully you haven't abandoned this set of oneshots, perhaps inspiration will struck you soon. Love Uncle Thorin carin for the kiddos!

Have a nice day,
4/12/2015 c8 3ninayasmijn
Aw this was so cute! It reminds me of my little brother "Nina, Nina! Now! Now!" ( now is snow)

And how I secretly adore those moments :) 3
4/12/2015 c6 ninayasmijn

Beautiful written. Very sad. I don't function anymore. Bye.
4/12/2015 c1 ninayasmijn
This is so sweet! And sad I the same.
2/4/2015 c10 61ncis-lady
Ah how cute is that? Fili trying to fight giants with his wooden sword and Kili clinging on to his hand for dear life. This drabble is even better and more heartwsrheartwarming when you keep in mind that many years later they would really encounter stone remember the look of terror on Kili's face.
2/4/2015 c10 14Death to elves
Is it ok that I'm crying because of how adorable that was?
2/3/2015 c8 5Celebrisilweth
So cute.
2/3/2015 c10 5Nalbal
Ugh this is perfect. I love it, Steph! The stone giants will forever be a favorite Hobbit element of mine...

But you know what *really* got me? The last couple lines, when Thorin invites Fili to stay with him and the boy declines, decided he's brave enough. THAT KILLED ME. Maybe I'm reading more into it but I totally see it as Fili just trying to be all brave and grown up but then he walks away and looks back at his brother thoughtfully and just... ugh! I can SEE this so clearly! *melts into a puddle of feels*
2/3/2015 c10 5The EarthSong
Cozy Uncle and Kíli. Sweet, concerned Fíli.
2/3/2015 c10 30Thorny Hedge
This is terribly sweet. :)
2/2/2015 c10 28Pericula Ludus
Oh such a big boy, Fíli! Hehe, I can just imagine a major "Told you so!" years later when they do encounter the stone giants.
2/2/2015 c10 7Stardurin1217
This was very cute :)
2/2/2015 c10 74WillowDryad
Awww, that's just precious. I was kinda hoping there would be a big clap of thunder and Fili would run back to Uncle, but ah well. Nicely done. :)
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