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for One Reason

8/14/2017 c1 Guest
Love this
4/9/2016 c1 13excessivelyperky
Of course. And there are always good reasons to screw over Snape for someone else's Greater Good-what a pity Severus didn't remember that. Hogwarts really did make him the person he is today, and perhaps Dumbledore should remember what part he had in it. But he won't

Still, Snape might be remembering that his usefulness to both sides might end if Hogwarts wasn't open, either. Plus, playing the good sport might pay off later, if only with lowered suspicion from the rest of the staff.
10/18/2013 c1 Saint Snape
Wow, I was waiting for Harry to reappear somehow. This is an interesting concept. Now who will defeat Voldermort? I think this needs exploring in a continuation of the story. I would love to see Severus be the one to defeat Voldermort.

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