Just In
for The Legacy

12/3 c86 adityakanwar010
Very Good
11/24 c86 Fuck Names
Great story.
11/22 c81 Fuck Names
Damn Astoria's cold lmao.
11/21 c78 Fuck Names
Actually ingenious.
11/21 c77 Fuck Names
This Dudley arc was actually cool.
11/21 c73 Fuck Names
I do love spontaneous confessions.
11/20 c72 Fuck Names
Fuck me twice and call me cupid, that was some insanely fucked up shit, I have to go sleep right after this alone, fuck me I'm scared. Fucking hell. What an original take on the curse though, bravo, I applaud you. The aunt killed her daughter? Fuck me. And to make it even more fucked up, the ending line referring to Astoria...
11/20 c70 Fuck Names
Harry and Hermione are the best couple for a reason. Insanely good combo.
11/19 c68 Fuck Names
Just to be clear, Ron and Hermione would never work.
11/19 c59 Fuck Names
That's what u get for being nosy Hermione. Cute chapter.
11/19 c58 Fuck Names
Surprisingly agree with all of Daphne's points.
11/19 c57 Fuck Names
So much constant repetition on Hermione and Ron's part in regards to Daphne. Fairly certain I've read the same arguments dozens of times.
11/18 c52 Fuck Names
Man that was wonderful, so sweet. I loved it, thank you so much for writing it. It was perfect.
11/18 c51 Fuck Names
11/18 c48 Fuck Names
Really good chapter. Very adorable. They were literally flirting at some points, I had the biggest grin on my face. This is what I love to see.
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