Just In
for Team D

1/23/2021 c1 Guest
Ya know, you could probably use Alpha, beta and gamma plus Delta instead of team a, b and c. But after all, I still love this story a lot. Gods I love those three. Especially in young justice. You are an awesome author BTW.
9/11/2019 c1 astxrismx
themthis fic omg
6/15/2019 c1 1FrozenFlames12
This was one of the better fanfics I've read.
2/17/2018 c1 1Kiara victory Tatsu
Omg that was GOLD! Man I hope you keep building on this story. Also you have me really interested in the conversation between the three kinds which I knew the stories behind the small bits of the conversation that could be heard
10/30/2017 c1 andHamiltonwrotetheother51
lol this was so good
10/16/2017 c1 andHamiltonwrotetheother51
Can u write another chapter to Te lubesc Zatanna pleeaaasee? It would be cool to see the teams reactions to Richerd and Garfields true forms, and to M'gann and Zatanna
1/12/2017 c1 2BaKuRa-Kurama13
Brilliant! Is there a sequel?
9/19/2016 c1 11The-Red-Lip
This story is SO good!
Continue with this series!
Can you write a sequel to this! ... And maybe a sequel for 'Te Iubesc' as well!
Love it so much!
Keep going!
8/12/2016 c1 1WildYoungFree
8/4/2016 c1 Guest
That ending... was beautiful.
7/3/2016 c1 sapphirezuko
4/23/2016 c1 River
Cat you have got to do another YJ & TT X-over
I'm thinking something like: Titans have a party with East staying over for the night, Robin can't sleep so he decided to make some juic or whatever when Speedy and KF enter the kitchen. They sit and chat about something they did as kids, they chat until sunrise when all the other Titans wake up and eavesdrops on them. Then Robin calls them out and trolls them a bit and goes back to bed.
If you want to do this then I would be very grateful.
10/24/2015 c1 somehowimalive
Make a epilogue!
8/29/2015 c1 CooperKD10
Ok so I have read this fic like 3 or 4 times before ( I keep coming back bc it's really good) and I JUST realized that when it says 'nope- nothing interesting going on here.' That you used Aqualads quote when they first find the genomorphs in Cadmus when they go to put out the fire in the first episode in YJ!
6/10/2015 c1 2murdermewithfeelspls
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