8/20/2014 c1 5spyroXcynder115
Hey hey hold on...what happened when spyro helped cynder turn a new leaf? Food she stay in her adult form? And...did spyro, who is st least what, like 10-12 year old FUCK her? It's great and all but one thing. They just started fighting then an hour or so later, they fucked. What happened?...
Hey hey hold on...what happened when spyro helped cynder turn a new leaf? Food she stay in her adult form? And...did spyro, who is st least what, like 10-12 year old FUCK her? It's great and all but one thing. They just started fighting then an hour or so later, they fucked. What happened?...
4/18/2014 c1 16The Bonecrusher Hyena
The plot is good...But that's about it. Its completely rushed, non-detailed, has bad grammer and unrealistic. I mean, why was Cynder so accepted quickly? Why did she became good so fast? Why were the Guardians so accepting? All in all, this isn't a very good story...The plot is great and you can have a lot of good twists, Turns and ideas in it. But not like this.
The plot is good...But that's about it. Its completely rushed, non-detailed, has bad grammer and unrealistic. I mean, why was Cynder so accepted quickly? Why did she became good so fast? Why were the Guardians so accepting? All in all, this isn't a very good story...The plot is great and you can have a lot of good twists, Turns and ideas in it. But not like this.
3/3/2014 c1 2Ratatosk The Divine Demon
just as great as the original authors version. Please continue with the story and start posting your parts of it. Otherwise people will start to think that you have abandoned this story like the original author. just a fact. keep up the great work.
just as great as the original authors version. Please continue with the story and start posting your parts of it. Otherwise people will start to think that you have abandoned this story like the original author. just a fact. keep up the great work.
1/27/2014 c1 Orkslayer98
Like the idea and all, but it was all to fast and completely different then what I would have planed. But good none the less
Like the idea and all, but it was all to fast and completely different then what I would have planed. But good none the less
12/10/2013 c1 GregtheGuest
Wait a second,
This is a new beginning Spyro and large Cynder... Did I mis a paragraph that says cynder shrank down to normal size or is she still at least twice as big as Spyro?
Anyone? Am I the only one thinking about this? Still a good story though.
Wait a second,
This is a new beginning Spyro and large Cynder... Did I mis a paragraph that says cynder shrank down to normal size or is she still at least twice as big as Spyro?
Anyone? Am I the only one thinking about this? Still a good story though.
10/20/2013 c1 6htffan951
Well this is very heavy on the romance. Not that it's a bad thing thought. I remember this story and it is sad to see the original owner decided to drop this story. Regardless, this chapter is pretty much the same as the original, and I can only presume that the future chapters will be similar to the original, until we reach the part that was untimely your idea. I liked the original, and a like this one. I will be looking forward to read more
Well this is very heavy on the romance. Not that it's a bad thing thought. I remember this story and it is sad to see the original owner decided to drop this story. Regardless, this chapter is pretty much the same as the original, and I can only presume that the future chapters will be similar to the original, until we reach the part that was untimely your idea. I liked the original, and a like this one. I will be looking forward to read more
10/20/2013 c1 The dark shadow
I love this story
I love this story