10/27/2013 c1 Jan
I really love this, it was sad and a little fluffy but didn't get disgustingly sappy or anything. AUGH, THE FEELS THE FEELS ARE EATING ME ALIVE!
I really love this, it was sad and a little fluffy but didn't get disgustingly sappy or anything. AUGH, THE FEELS THE FEELS ARE EATING ME ALIVE!
10/22/2013 c1 89harukkari
This was nicely written, and I enjoyed it. You really portrayed Nico and his feelings well - that's what I liked the most about this. Just wonderful :)
This was nicely written, and I enjoyed it. You really portrayed Nico and his feelings well - that's what I liked the most about this. Just wonderful :)
10/22/2013 c1 32Coqui's Song
That was beautifully written. My heart feels like it's bursting. Just. Urghahhhhrrrgggggg.
I loved it, really. :)
That was beautifully written. My heart feels like it's bursting. Just. Urghahhhhrrrgggggg.
I loved it, really. :)
10/22/2013 c1 Guest
10/21/2013 c1 Jeff
Best I've seen on this subject so far since HoH came out... although, maybe I personally would have preferred there was no rash action at the end there... but I get that you have to have closure and such...
I prefer to think that Nico makes an excuse and continues going downstairs, great oneshot nonetheless.
Best I've seen on this subject so far since HoH came out... although, maybe I personally would have preferred there was no rash action at the end there... but I get that you have to have closure and such...
I prefer to think that Nico makes an excuse and continues going downstairs, great oneshot nonetheless.