Just In
for Transitioned

1/11/2015 c10 Guest
Ur sooooo good write more plz plz plz
11/6/2014 c10 neo zero
I hope you update soon because i really like this story and i hope there will be pairings for luffy and maybe give luffy some magic powers or he could meet a dragon and learn from one
9/8/2014 c10 Guest
Update soon plz
9/6/2014 c5 Nice plot but
There is no way in hell Makarov is on par with any of the Admiral Class fighters in OP (Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, Garp, Sengoku, etc). No one in FT has ever shown any real speed feats, durability feats, strength feats, etc, that could even compare with OP top tiers, the only ones I see having a chance are Zeref, Acnologia, Mavis and maybe Hades and E.N.D. Because as far as I'm concerned, Makarov and the other Ten Wizards Saints can't tank a quake blow from Whitebeard.
7/10/2014 c10 Ricc850
Oh yeah can there be a pairing?
7/10/2014 c10 Ricc850
This is good but what does revamped mean ?
5/6/2014 c10 VeeVeena
Oohhh I love luffy xD always such a dumb little kid that's why we love him just like this story :3
4/16/2014 c10 timothy.nguyen.73
Lol Luffy and Erza Yay!
4/1/2014 c10 GumGumOnigiri
Hey if your looking for idea's how about having Luffy learn a little magic, he could go all around Fairy Tail looking for a master to teach him, in fact... how about Juvia! For a Devil Fruit user being able to control water would be just too good of an opportunity to pass up!

And maybe get him a Cat as well... since he is technically the son of (a) Dragon and him and Zoro did slay that one dragon that one time.

Anyway seriously hope you update this soon, thanks for the hard work!
3/8/2014 c7 Guest
Pretty good
3/6/2014 c10 triplemacca
this is an awesome story, i cant wait for the next chapter.
2/24/2014 c10 1whiteroses16
Amazing hurry and post next chapter! :D
2/21/2014 c10 16ashlight41
next please...
2/14/2014 c10 unnamed
Not that i flaming.. But.. This fanfic looks more like an essay.. You should learn to make dialogue and use it frequently. Other than that, your awesome. Keep going.. :)
2/11/2014 c10 4CasuallyPosting
I'm looking forward to the next update.
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