2/6/2014 c10 Guest
Good story, funny and entertaining but you really need to proof read, their are random words that make no sense in several places.
Good story, funny and entertaining but you really need to proof read, their are random words that make no sense in several places.
2/5/2014 c10
Hmm... This was a pretty good chapter.
Although there were several spelling and grammar mistakes. this was still an enjoyable read.
Hope to see more soon!
See Ya! :)

Hmm... This was a pretty good chapter.
Although there were several spelling and grammar mistakes. this was still an enjoyable read.
Hope to see more soon!
See Ya! :)
1/25/2014 c9 GumGumOnigiri
Aw man I'm loving this story, it's so cool and Luffy is just... Luffy! The beautiful way you've characterised him and the way his mind works, how he reacts to people and certain situations, it's just so funny stupid and genius all at the same time. Brilliant stuff!
I really want more, and I hope you update as soon as you can.
Aw man I'm loving this story, it's so cool and Luffy is just... Luffy! The beautiful way you've characterised him and the way his mind works, how he reacts to people and certain situations, it's just so funny stupid and genius all at the same time. Brilliant stuff!
I really want more, and I hope you update as soon as you can.
1/18/2014 c6 Anonymous
The whole Luffy and Mirajane is a little awkward, but I think you can actually pull it off. It's just that Luffy is never that romantic kind. I still LOVE your work by the way! Please keep writing! Your amazing!I can't wait for luffy to unleash his full power! :D XD
The whole Luffy and Mirajane is a little awkward, but I think you can actually pull it off. It's just that Luffy is never that romantic kind. I still LOVE your work by the way! Please keep writing! Your amazing!I can't wait for luffy to unleash his full power! :D XD
1/18/2014 c5 Anonymous
I'm smiling like a maniac. I cant even express how badly I want this to be real and turned into an anime! Oh my gawd. LUFFY USES HAKI! Haha, I love Levi. I've been waiting for this, and you delivered perfectly! I love your writing SO MUCH! I'm going crazy because I've been searching for a story like this in a LONG time! As I say again, Please NEVER stop writing! I love it!
I'm smiling like a maniac. I cant even express how badly I want this to be real and turned into an anime! Oh my gawd. LUFFY USES HAKI! Haha, I love Levi. I've been waiting for this, and you delivered perfectly! I love your writing SO MUCH! I'm going crazy because I've been searching for a story like this in a LONG time! As I say again, Please NEVER stop writing! I love it!
1/18/2014 c4 Anonymous
Oh MY Gosh! They know what Luffy can do! I can't wait to see their reaction when Luffy uses Haki!Oh Gods. I'm shaking with anticipation. I LOVE YOUR WORK! I love all the details you put into this and this is one of the best crossovers I've ever read! PLEASE keep on writing your beautiful writing! Can't wait to see what happens!
Oh MY Gosh! They know what Luffy can do! I can't wait to see their reaction when Luffy uses Haki!Oh Gods. I'm shaking with anticipation. I LOVE YOUR WORK! I love all the details you put into this and this is one of the best crossovers I've ever read! PLEASE keep on writing your beautiful writing! Can't wait to see what happens!
1/18/2014 c3 Anonymous
I'm freaking out! I'm devouring your writing so fast! I'm just that girl in the corner smiling as I read this and everyone thinks I'm crazy. Haha! But I absolutely love this story so far! It's amazing and I can wait to see what happens next! Luffy's personality is the best! I love your work! Please keep on writing.
I'm freaking out! I'm devouring your writing so fast! I'm just that girl in the corner smiling as I read this and everyone thinks I'm crazy. Haha! But I absolutely love this story so far! It's amazing and I can wait to see what happens next! Luffy's personality is the best! I love your work! Please keep on writing.
1/18/2014 c2 Anonymous
I love your work so much! You capture everyone's personality so beautifully! Haha. Please keep on writing! Your writing is magnificent! I can't wait for the next chapter. I hope Fairy Tail gets to see Luffy's power since Luffy can use Haki now! AHH! I'm getting so excited just thinking about it! Please keep writing. I love your work!
I love your work so much! You capture everyone's personality so beautifully! Haha. Please keep on writing! Your writing is magnificent! I can't wait for the next chapter. I hope Fairy Tail gets to see Luffy's power since Luffy can use Haki now! AHH! I'm getting so excited just thinking about it! Please keep writing. I love your work!
1/18/2014 c1 Anonymous
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god! I'm freaking out! I love this so far and you say it's just a prologue? Well, BEST prologue I ever read! Amazing attention to detail! Truly amazing! I love your work!
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god! I'm freaking out! I love this so far and you say it's just a prologue? Well, BEST prologue I ever read! Amazing attention to detail! Truly amazing! I love your work!
1/18/2014 c9 Stormlight131
Great job! You do a really good job capturing "Luffy" in your writing, in my opinion. The action wasn't bad at all, but can definitely use improvement (but seriously, is there ever anything that can't use improvement?). Good job so far, can't wait to read more!
Great job! You do a really good job capturing "Luffy" in your writing, in my opinion. The action wasn't bad at all, but can definitely use improvement (but seriously, is there ever anything that can't use improvement?). Good job so far, can't wait to read more!