Just In
for Transitioned

1/16/2014 c9 3thaOne
Great story! I suggest giving aces powers to luffy like how Blackbeard got whitebeards. Keep up the good work
1/16/2014 c9 funstory
Oh my god. Luffy is such a retard! Lol! I think this story is really fun to read, and Im looking forward to the reactions of fairy tail to Luffy's strength! Thanks for writing!
1/16/2014 c9 2SpaceCannon
If he had a board he would've given her a ten! Lol that made me laugh. It was worth the wait
1/16/2014 c9 Elhijueputa
fgbrtgfbht njyhnytnb6t
1/16/2014 c9 Daxen123
No it was fine its time for jose to get his ass kicked
1/16/2014 c9 4Zaralann
1/15/2014 c9 The Draconic Ancient of Chaos
Great chapter can't wait to see what's next
1/15/2014 c9 becket
its looking good :D
1/8/2014 c8 SporktheDork
Thank you so much for this amazing story. I haven't seen anything better than this so please update.
1/8/2014 c8 599 luffy
seems interesting.
12/30/2013 c8 Sam4801
Funny! great! amazing! Short...
Any way,
Luffy: It made no sense. Hot things were supposed to be hot colors, like red, orange, and yellow and stuff; the cannon thing that he had blocked, the -dare he say it- majic thing was most defiantly NOT a hot color, not by a long shot.

12/26/2013 c8 milleniumclone45
This was a fun chapter. I have always enjoyed seeing the characters reactions to Luffy suddenly grabbing them and acting like a slingshot and you certainly did it justice. I also would like to compliment you on your ability to keep Luffy consistently in character even while there is no dialogue or while he is thinking to himself. So I just wanted to say good job and that I can't wait to see where you take it from here.
12/24/2013 c8 CypherZer0
Great chapter but needs more Action!
12/24/2013 c8 4Zaralann
12/24/2013 c8 sup
Amazing story keep righting
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