Just In
for A Familiar Mask

2/16 c2 Markus23
Please update this story soon it has been little over a decade.
12/26/2021 c1 Guest
Like the premise but its kinda lame how little mata nui stories there are you know. Its really off putting people should put more effort for it . Also mean no one shot couple stories like an actual crossover
like mata nui x rwby world. Theres your idea set it in during his exile or after his sacrifice in the mata nui saga.
Ill try own story.
12/5/2019 c2 Wraith Five
I will be completely honest. Seeing more of this would be AWESOME. I recognize that this is 6 years later, but still... The one chapter was GREAT.
2/16/2019 c2 Guest
I'd say make this a challenge. It would be interesting.
1/6/2018 c2 1Korin Dragoon
If someone's taken up the challenge or adopted this fick could you let me know who and what they called it so I can check it out.
9/30/2017 c2 Guest
You lazy unclefucker
4/12/2017 c1 Mandalorian00
let the adventure of the ages begin
12/17/2016 c2 Prince Chrom
Has anyone adopted this, and if so could you tell me who and what they called it?
7/8/2016 c2 Guest
It was a good one-shot, that cannot be refuted.
7/8/2016 c1 Guest
The awesome display you wrote of the transformation/creation of the body was quite well made.
3/8/2016 c2 11sonicxjones
Ugh...I hate find a really good story but knowing it won't continue...
7/29/2015 c2 Guest
Yes, please do continue. It's a wonderfully new category you're writing in and to have such a great start is very promising. That said, take your time to write your best. Don't let your hordes of fans rush you.
7/25/2015 c2 Cade
I really love this idea and I hope either you or someone else makes this a thing.
3/15/2015 c1 NexusRider161
10/24/2014 c2 Guest
moar, if not, then when some one takes this up please link it or make us aware of it in some way, that would be great
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