Just In
for Judy Skellington, Pumpkin Princess

12/26/2015 c1 Tardisgirl123
The mom was dead when the father died but was then with the daughter at his funeral?
6/29/2014 c1 clawdeen wolf
c'est la chose la plus triste que je n'ai jamais vu en plus que jack et judy sont mes héros préférés
4/17/2014 c1 Matilda lament

る) I love this story, I want to ask if its alright if I'm able to put Judy in with my fanfic that I'm doing
10/29/2013 c1 2FreddyVsJason17
I love it! I Adore Jack! I've always wanted to see Jacks little Babies :3 I must admit My heart sank when I read he had died. Bless! D: You made Judy such a Strong character, I would Look up to her. Your a Admirable writer. Keep it up _
10/26/2013 c1 6Wolf Lover 06
OMG IM CRYING! This was so sad, but it was really good! I love it! Great job

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