11/1/2014 c2 Guest
Pleaae continue this story! Please! It is such a great start! Although it sounds like Inuyasha and Kagome have a lot more in common while Sheshomaru and Kikyou have simiar traits too they each like to hide emotions, why not have them become closer and the same with Inuyasha and Kagome? Please! I think that would work best if you were going to keep the characters the same or you add Rin and Naraku for Sheshomaru and Kikyo.
Pleaae continue this story! Please! It is such a great start! Although it sounds like Inuyasha and Kagome have a lot more in common while Sheshomaru and Kikyou have simiar traits too they each like to hide emotions, why not have them become closer and the same with Inuyasha and Kagome? Please! I think that would work best if you were going to keep the characters the same or you add Rin and Naraku for Sheshomaru and Kikyo.
7/6/2014 c1 Mollie
I don't usually like fics that star Kagome and Kikyo as sisters, but this one is shaping up beautifully. I am really enjoying it. Please do update. You've got a wonderful setup here and I want to see how it pans out.
I don't usually like fics that star Kagome and Kikyo as sisters, but this one is shaping up beautifully. I am really enjoying it. Please do update. You've got a wonderful setup here and I want to see how it pans out.
2/23/2014 c2 Marie
Good job! I just love how you describe the relation between the sisters, please don't turn it into a typical "kikyo hates kagome hates kikyo" story! Pleeeaaase let them stay friends. And thanks for the good story so far!
Good job! I just love how you describe the relation between the sisters, please don't turn it into a typical "kikyo hates kagome hates kikyo" story! Pleeeaaase let them stay friends. And thanks for the good story so far!
12/28/2013 c2 dragoneyes2005
While a lot of this feels like a info dump it is setting up for the plot. I believe the next couple of chapters in which we see more interaction with the couple will be better to gauge the actual overall reaction to the story. While I adore Rin I do prefer kag&ses stories. Looking forward to the next chapter.
While a lot of this feels like a info dump it is setting up for the plot. I believe the next couple of chapters in which we see more interaction with the couple will be better to gauge the actual overall reaction to the story. While I adore Rin I do prefer kag&ses stories. Looking forward to the next chapter.
12/27/2013 c2
hmmmmm... I can't wait to see, well read, how your gonna get Kagome and InuYasha together :) I like it so far sooooo update again soon!

hmmmmm... I can't wait to see, well read, how your gonna get Kagome and InuYasha together :) I like it so far sooooo update again soon!
12/27/2013 c2
1Extinguished Flame
Okay...So here are my choices. First let Sesshomeru love Kagome and shit but then when Rin does come in he starts to like her. At first she might try to help him out with Kagome. And obviously he falls for her instead. And the Inuyasha love TRINGLE thing...Sure. But just Kikyo loves Inuysha, he should feel NOOOOOOOTHING for her. I truly HATE Kikyo. xD Update as soon as you can, no pressure .

Okay...So here are my choices. First let Sesshomeru love Kagome and shit but then when Rin does come in he starts to like her. At first she might try to help him out with Kagome. And obviously he falls for her instead. And the Inuyasha love TRINGLE thing...Sure. But just Kikyo loves Inuysha, he should feel NOOOOOOOTHING for her. I truly HATE Kikyo. xD Update as soon as you can, no pressure .
10/28/2013 c1
Ohh this will be a good story! I can't wait til Kagome and Inuyasha meet though

Ohh this will be a good story! I can't wait til Kagome and Inuyasha meet though
10/27/2013 c1
1Extinguished Flame
This is great! Please continue, and just an FYI Kagomes little brothers name is Souta xD

This is great! Please continue, and just an FYI Kagomes little brothers name is Souta xD