Just In
for The Language of Life

12/21/2015 c1 19Smiling Seshat
This is very well written.
11/4/2013 c1 loretta537
This is good update soon

I really like the fact that you are giving an explain of why Harry lived, unlike many others including J K Rowling. If all it took to survive an AK was a mother sacrificing herself for their child then there would be a lot more children living. Don't worry about following the books exactly, that is why this is fan fiction, besides a lot of people don't like the last few books.

The reason people give I like it reviews can be many including the fact that they are tired, are on a tablet, or are reading a lot of stories and don't want to think of an original review
10/28/2013 c1 beatshield
Great start so far.I really like when people use other professors beside the normal one's

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