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for Red Dragon Emperor of Ravenous Flames

5/5/2022 c2 curlyboy01
Wish you update this
3/3/2022 c2 Tarlick97
Where’s the next part you gave us a sneak peek but never continued wtf you got me all excited and shit
2/23/2022 c2 Guest
Fuck when it was just starting to get good you suddenly drop big sad
2/22/2022 c2 Innerdeamon564
I wish you finish the story I made me sad when it only two parts
2/16/2022 c1 RedReaper121
12/31/2020 c2 Guest
~Cute fic mate
11/1/2018 c2 2Laserbr0
Hello! Will you be updating this story?
9/25/2018 c1 4Ancient Sith Tulak Hord
Nosferatu 869 could do a rewrite with his own twist to it or the fanfic author "ablackenrose" who dose the story (The Jack of Hearts) or Nosferatu869 do this story justice. I remember a great time travel DXD fic called "Welsh Dragon Slayer" it didn't have fairy tail references
9/12/2018 c2 Guest
I’m guessing this story is over? its been a few years.
9/2/2017 c1 5Sntakawa Toki
3/17/2017 c2 creativesm75
1/24/2017 c2 bruh
u shud totaly update
12/7/2016 c2 Antony101
Great story please update soon if possible
12/5/2016 c2 adaley452
Please continue this, ITS REALLY REALLY GOOD lol but this can become a really good story please continue!
8/28/2016 c1 4Ancient Sith Tulak Hord
A new body and someone else right this story
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