Just In
for Red Dragon Emperor of Ravenous Flames

7/14/2016 c2 Dafuq
wtf is the writer dead or something?
5/28/2016 c2 Guest
Maybe the writer died
5/13/2016 c1 DragonGod
Please update your story. I'm looking forward for the third update. :)
5/3/2016 c2 19nagiten
pleases keep this going
4/29/2016 c2 Damaku
It's been almost 2 and a half years. I'm a bit sad, and this fic had alot of potential. But, it's probably over. It's been a good run.
4/21/2016 c2 mike alvarez
Write another chapter
3/16/2016 c2 5fangs of death
Great story so far, can't wait for the next chapter.
1/10/2016 c1 2DdraigTrueEmperor9
I would really like to see this continued is not the same cliche things others do is original I would like if the pairing stay single IsseixKuroka and that Issei become a Angel thus having his body and life force being given a Boost in Vitality he deserve to live but not as a devil servant but as a Angel Warrior along with Kuroka and Orphis. I know I dislike rias and Asia i see her as a little sister. But I would like to see that this is updated. Well just had to wait and Hope this Great Fic that had the potential to become one of the Best is Updated.
1/9/2016 c1 Damaku
GORDDAMMIT Please update!
11/30/2015 c2 randomman626
I really hope this gets another chapter one day this is a premise that holds a lot of promise
11/4/2015 c2 DdraigTrueEmperor9
This story is preatty good I readed this a long time ago but had no account to review Now i do. I like this story for the Pairing and the plot is diferent I love KurokaxIssei and this story had it since for someone like me that dislike rias is dificult to find a pairing that not involve her or Issei be a low servant involved with her is fun how Orphis treat him anf I would like to see Kuroka Pregnant of Issei that would make him fight longer he can sacrifice his Body to Draig and become a Humanoid Dragon. Well had to wait to see if this is Update since it had been a long time since last update.
9/18/2015 c2 Luestra
Great story, is it going to come back?
8/28/2015 c2 Reaper495
Would really like to see you continue this story. It is incredible. And i would love to see a pregnant Kuroka it would be awesome to see how Ophis acts in that situation. Hopefully you do continue this, because I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
7/7/2015 c2 carwash36
Nice I hope you continue this soon!
5/23/2015 c2 titanium8p
I really hope you will continue this, because it was great to read
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