Just In
for Clockwork

5/28/2017 c1 10NoMeImporta32
6/22/2016 c1 Ziggycave
This was awesome, I really enjoyed reading it.
12/2/2013 c1 Guest
Yay, down with Slade I get what you mean there really aren't enough of those stories.
11/4/2013 c1 1unknown4499
CUTE! I love daddy!bats! Totally adorable!
11/2/2013 c1 12Princess Unikitty
whenever i see the word clockwork. i think of an error made in the beta version of sonic 1. where a zone was mistakenly titled clock ork instead of clockwork.

pretty good story. liked how you characterized batman. swear i've seen this idea before... at least that of him beating the fuck out of slade, anyway
11/2/2013 c1 Guest
That was awesome i loved it :-)
11/2/2013 c1 18Mysty Star
Oh my gosh i love it! DaddyBats is the best! Great job, really.

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