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for Spirits vs Vikings

12/10/2015 c1 This Account was Abandoned
SKITTLES! *runs in, steals the skittles than leaves again*
3/17/2015 c1 Animal Lover
Do you take requests ...? Your the first fanfic writer ive read who made these making watch a movie fic.

You see a couple of years ago when I was new here I stumbled upon these if its not too much trouble could you make a watch bh6 movie?
1/12/2015 c1 11PhoenixWarriorFox88
... I want the skittles
10/22/2014 c2 2FrozenFanJelsa.snowflake97
Please update!
8/15/2014 c2 This Account was Abandoned
can't wait for the update!
6/5/2014 c2 9hiccupandtoothlessforever
How many chapters have been posted so far since this chapter? I love the thought of this please continue.
5/29/2014 c2 Cheshire
Moooooooore, this is great! :D
3/1/2014 c1 ILOVEPIXELS
We'll guys today we morn for the death of Lauren who died a death from flames:(
It is said that she wrote stories of drama,humor,adventure,tragedy mabe Evan a little romance. From the httyd story she promised to the sequel of ROTG she mentioned Evan the story's she never fineshed were good like that one about dares and teens
And the ones I haven't read like that oneshot.
Or Evan the one about that one about a boy who throws a party that she never finished. Or the one she wrote about a girl and dragon! Or her crossover witch looked really good but never mined SHES DEAD!
In fact she probaly had so many GG stories but we'll never see because SHES DEAD AND MIGHT NEVER COME BACK:( I hop u c this!
So we will wait or at least I will wait right here until she comes back and When she does I will give her a good lecture about never staying away that long again u gave me a heartattack!
Right so until then I'll stay right on my cliff with my night fury waiting singing songs like: bullet train and demons by I.D:l so until then here I stay with probaly the longest review u will Eva see in your life Lauren. I am waiting right now and if you read the hole thing say #your favorite story by her. So also Lauren I think I will go cry on my cliff until u comeback just like in your other stories where I cry becouse you never finished three of your story's well by this is not a flame by the way!:(:(#watching the movie by Lauren jr. I am gonna go watch bajan canadian because I am crying so hard right now I need a familiar voice to make me laugh
Bbbbyyyyy:) PIXEL OUT:) I had. To say some thing:o
3/2/2014 c1 WarriorCatFanatic
I just read your profile...and want to say it profoundly moved me. I've always felt like the odd one out (whether it was imagined or not, I still can't say, but it sure felt real), but its reassuring to remember that I'm not the only one. It's also coincidental that my first name is Lauren (given that you're profile name is LaurenJr)- I'm getting off topic. All I want to say is thank you, for what you do for me and everyone else with the stories that you write.

May the odds be ever in your favor.
2/27/2014 c2 3Firenze Fox
Pleasepleasepleaseplease update soon, this is absolutely amazing!
2/24/2014 c2 FHKSHF
1/14/2014 c2 Guest
This is good. Keep going! :)
1/13/2014 c2 MeoTheRandom
Well this will be fun XD

PS when u get 11 reviews can I have a cookie Instead of a cupcake? I don't like cupcakes that much...
1/14/2014 c1 16Frozenjaqulinefrost
Loved it!
12/16/2013 c2 Guest
This is really good. Keep up the good stories!
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