Just In
for Lup Negru

9/9/2018 c3 Courtney Elizabeth1
Loveee the concept of Rob as a Werewolf. Sweet.
5/13/2017 c3 Guest
Yes! Make me find out
4/24/2017 c3 Guest
Is this story finished or is there more
More would be great and awesome pliz great story fun read
2/28/2016 c2 The Whovian 242
could you do a werewolf robin reveal please please please because that would be wonderful!
1/1/2016 c3 2Forevorlasting
PLS I love stories where Robin's identity and/or secrets are revealed!
12/15/2015 c3 Guest
Please write a reveal one I begging I have read all these so many I have memorized them all.
11/13/2015 c3 Guest
wow fuunnnyyy
5/26/2015 c1 11Yaoi Slaying Queen
Romani has no written form and he is both. One of his parents was Romani and the other was Romanian
4/13/2015 c3 2ASL-Pirates-Lover
yes! It would be awesome if the team found out his secret in 1 chapter! Please do it!
12/27/2014 c1 1redbobcat99
You accidently spelled 'nookie' instead of 'noogie'. Besides that, this is an amazing fanfic!
11/9/2014 c3 31kittycat1810
I really want a review! Please update soon!
10/10/2014 c3 1redbobcat99
You need to reveal, oh great one!
10/6/2014 c3 catgodess106
YYYEEEEEEEEESSSS! Big and dramatic please.
5/11/2014 c3 goodstoryfan
Amazing and yes i want a reveal! those are so awesome and dramatic
4/27/2014 c3 3Laude Dei
. XD :)
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