11/19/2022 c3 Guest
11/19/2022 c2 Guest
Birthday suit
Birthday suit
11/19/2022 c1 Guest
2/2/2016 c3 awesomeness
Keep writing you're really good
Keep writing you're really good
9/6/2015 c3 Guest
Up date pleaaaaaaàààase
Up date pleaaaaaaàààase
3/30/2015 c3 TWO YEARS
It's been two years since you continued why stop it's amazing
It's been two years since you continued why stop it's amazing
11/23/2014 c2 1DarkPurpleTomBoy
Omg please update soon I love this story and can't wait for the next chapter!
Omg please update soon I love this story and can't wait for the next chapter!
4/23/2014 c2 Opal
Hurry up and continue the story PLEASE!
Hurry up and continue the story PLEASE!
3/4/2014 c1 Guest
Hey Nice Story
Hey Nice Story
3/4/2014 c1 Guest
Nice story
Nice story