3/11/2015 c4 Guest
I love the ending of the chapter! Fantastic indeed! Can't wait to see how you develop Holmes and his mannerisms!
I love the ending of the chapter! Fantastic indeed! Can't wait to see how you develop Holmes and his mannerisms!
3/10/2015 c4 SecondaryPsychopath
Wow! this is really well written. I hope you you start to update more often i would love to see this pan out.
Wow! this is really well written. I hope you you start to update more often i would love to see this pan out.
10/15/2014 c3
I'm intrigued! Please Continue. I love the way how you made Holmes mysterious. Be reading you.

I'm intrigued! Please Continue. I love the way how you made Holmes mysterious. Be reading you.
1/14/2014 c2 Guest
This is incredible! I love your writing style and the way you portray Holmes is perfect. I know its only the second chapter, but I'd like it if you wrote lots of Watson in to this. I love his character and I would love to see how you write Holmes and Watson' s interation.
This is incredible! I love your writing style and the way you portray Holmes is perfect. I know its only the second chapter, but I'd like it if you wrote lots of Watson in to this. I love his character and I would love to see how you write Holmes and Watson' s interation.
1/11/2014 c2 Guest
Awesome! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Awesome! Can't wait for the next chapter!
11/29/2013 c1 Guest
Your story has me intrigued! It shows a lot of promise and potential. Please update soon!
Your story has me intrigued! It shows a lot of promise and potential. Please update soon!
11/18/2013 c1 Anna
That was wonderful. I can't wait to find out what danger the girl was in and how Holmes saved her. Please update soon!
That was wonderful. I can't wait to find out what danger the girl was in and how Holmes saved her. Please update soon!