Just In
for Guardian Angels

2/5/2015 c33 Animelover0115
Aww its kinda sad that kosechei had to dei I thought he was immortal like hidan from naruto? Oh well I guess but I can't wait to go and read the sequel to this - bye review you later -
5/18/2014 c3 InbetweenGrey001
It is really confusing with so many P.O.V's ...
3/4/2014 c31 13Lord Creator
Ah reunions can be so...hilarious.
Good work once more.
3/2/2014 c30 Lord Creator
Been a while, but seeing Koschei frustrated is always funny to see. So worth it.
2/12/2014 c29 Lord Creator
Good Update...very nice and a cool view of the underworld.
Koschei: It isn't that cool
Me: Ignore him he is in a funny mood.
Koschei: Need...booze...and who the hell took my lighter and cigars?!
Me: Sorry about him. Once more, good work.
2/8/2014 c28 Lord Creator
Interesting. I like this, it is cool to see what would have happened if Guardian Angel didn't exist.
1/25/2014 c27 iouhnljnkj
Cool! But why would her mother do such a thing... Well I think she is a demon after all... But what happened to Hale
1/25/2014 c27 3Fafnir The Midnight Dragon
Happy B-Day!
1/25/2014 c27 13Lord Creator
Nice update and I am glad I could be of help
1/24/2014 c26 Lord Creator
wow...just wow...that was awesome. Well ok Koschei getting his arm blown off( and whatever else exploded with him sounded painful, but wow...this was a great chapter.
1/16/2014 c25 Guest reason to feel bad for the passing of someone close to you...just remember stay strong for him!
1/13/2014 c24 iouhnljnkj
1/12/2014 c23 Lord Creator
Koschei: No real I cant drink. It's like you guys want me to be angry and kill more demons...either that or you hate me
1/12/2014 c22 Lord Creator
No actual torture?...awwwww
Koschei: I never get to have any fun
1/12/2014 c22 Bakonaua
...i am no minion of yours...xD i'm gonna submit another one though it's a guy this time -w-...i am your...friend *says friend in a creepy voice*
Name: Kaizer
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Hair: Hair style is between Gray and Hibiki's hair style, color;midnight blue
Eyes: Blueish-Gray, that sometimes looks neon blue in the shadows
Clothes (daily): black varsity jacket over a white t-shirt, black cargo pants, and black and blue converse shoes. He carries a violin case with him
Formal: Blue tuxedo, and black dress shoes
Swimsuit: Black swimming trunks, with blue wave designs.
Sleepwear: topless...and black shorts.
Magic: Summoning Magic; Gods and Goddesses.
Guild insignia: Left side of the neck, in midnight blue.
Guild ranking: S-class
Likes: Playing Cards, Playing his beloved black violin, black and blue...Chocolate cakes. and Books...and solving equations...math equations xDD.
Dislikes: not finding his violin, people who stress him too much. Not having enough money to buy his Chocolate cake xD.
Relatives: Father: Haru; Mother: Yuki, Haru is a holder type mage(like keys and cards :l) Yuki is a snow mage.
History: He lived a normal life, his parents were mages. But one day, when his parents were out on a mission, bandits/robbers freaking robbed their house, he managed to escape and tell the towns people, because of him, those bandits were caught, and he was awarded with that magic card deck(his magic). What he doesn't know, no one can handle that kind of magic, because it kinds of hard controlling Gods :l, but he does it well, which is not a surprise, since in the age of 10 he already knows how to control things...and peoples(manipulating them by using only words xD) :l.
Love interest: Nope :l no one free
Friends: Raven( for the last 3 years, this two when together, people always mistake them as siblings, so they went with that, they treat each other as siblings)
Enemies: No one since he is a friendly person...
Others: He have this Russian Accent, he is a sweet and kind person, but when cracked under pressure he tends to go Psycho... xDD somehow Raven and him gets along well...especially if it comes to books. He have a part-time job :l as a model
How he got in: he decided to give his younger sister(not biologically), Raven a surprise visit, and the two ended up meeting in the park, and then they talked and eat cakes, lots of them. and She was surprised that he still don't have a guild so he invites him and she will try to talk to master if she doesn't approve.
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