9/4 c22 1JayNahNah
I was hoping she’d burn all she couldn’t take so the rats of Plimouth couldn’t gain anything of hers.
I was hoping she’d burn all she couldn’t take so the rats of Plimouth couldn’t gain anything of hers.
9/4 c4 what in tarnation
Gosh this is so unexpectedly funny. Such a charming story, I had never thought I’d have much interest for stories set either during the Reformation or in Colonial times but here I am, reading The Selkie Wife with gusto.
I actually laughed when Edward was thinking of how to approach the bedchambers of Isabella, “Pray pardon Jasper, were you once a fornicator?” LOLLLLLLL.
Like, I know you were a heretic and an infidel, but did you also follow the paths of your fathers and their bastard children borne in their iniquities?
Gosh this is so unexpectedly funny. Such a charming story, I had never thought I’d have much interest for stories set either during the Reformation or in Colonial times but here I am, reading The Selkie Wife with gusto.
I actually laughed when Edward was thinking of how to approach the bedchambers of Isabella, “Pray pardon Jasper, were you once a fornicator?” LOLLLLLLL.
Like, I know you were a heretic and an infidel, but did you also follow the paths of your fathers and their bastard children borne in their iniquities?
7/14 c22 twirob
Hi ;) Thank you for updating this AMAZING story here for us ;D It's been quite a while since I've been here to read ;) I hope all is well with you and your's ;D
Hi ;) Thank you for updating this AMAZING story here for us ;D It's been quite a while since I've been here to read ;) I hope all is well with you and your's ;D
7/2 c22 Lovely.amg
Wow, i really missed this story. It’s been a while, i hope you are back updating for good 3
Wow, i really missed this story. It’s been a while, i hope you are back updating for good 3
5/17 c22 stephine22
So this is the 4th story of yours that I have read
I truly hope you continue it. You are an amazing writer and can’t wait to read more .
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and putting them down in stories.
So this is the 4th story of yours that I have read
I truly hope you continue it. You are an amazing writer and can’t wait to read more .
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and putting them down in stories.
5/4 c22 twilightobession
I absolutely LOVE that Bella set the whole house on fire with everything in it. Also love that people were going with them. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I just love your writing and your stories.
I absolutely LOVE that Bella set the whole house on fire with everything in it. Also love that people were going with them. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I just love your writing and your stories.
5/4 c21 twilightobession
These men are crazy they are letting religion go to their head. They are NOT God. They wasted no time after Edward turned down their Edlership. Which I just laughed at because the Governor had already told Edward earlier that he would never be an Elder and here they were asking him to be one.
These men are crazy they are letting religion go to their head. They are NOT God. They wasted no time after Edward turned down their Edlership. Which I just laughed at because the Governor had already told Edward earlier that he would never be an Elder and here they were asking him to be one.
5/4 c20 twilightobession
What gave them the right to come into another "town" and take control? That is just wrong. I hate that Edward and Carlisle didn't get back on good terms before Carlisle died.
What gave them the right to come into another "town" and take control? That is just wrong. I hate that Edward and Carlisle didn't get back on good terms before Carlisle died.
5/3 c18 twilightobession
I hate things are strained between Edward and Carlisle. I hope Jenks will bring some fun to the colony. Lol.
I hate things are strained between Edward and Carlisle. I hope Jenks will bring some fun to the colony. Lol.
5/2 c17 twilightobession
I am so happy that Alice made it and that she and Jasper got married. James is just mad about Alice marrying Jasper instead of him.
I am so happy that Alice made it and that she and Jasper got married. James is just mad about Alice marrying Jasper instead of him.
5/2 c16 twilightobession
I love how Jacob and Bella communicate. I am so happy that she found him and his wife was willing to help.
I love how Jacob and Bella communicate. I am so happy that she found him and his wife was willing to help.
5/1 c14 twilightobession
I hate that Carlisle house burned. All their hard work. Glad that Bella could save Esme. I don't know if Carlisle could have handled losing another wife.
I hate that Carlisle house burned. All their hard work. Glad that Bella could save Esme. I don't know if Carlisle could have handled losing another wife.
5/1 c13 twilightobession
I hate that Edward is put in the position that he is about Alice. Can't wait to read more.
I hate that Edward is put in the position that he is about Alice. Can't wait to read more.