Just In
for Game of Hearts

6/10/2018 c2 FanGirl
Not bad.
12/14/2015 c1 mystic twilight princess
I like Libby. She seems interesting. Your reference was mulan. Haha.
7/31/2015 c2 thunder18
Great chapter Update soon
4/11/2015 c2 Anna
Hope you update soon! This is getting good! :D
3/27/2015 c2 sarah
Hope you update soon! And I can't wait for Libby to meet king Robert. And I hope Libby fights malificent in dragon form.
3/26/2015 c2 guest
Hope you update soon! Can't wait for Libby to meet king Robert. And I hope Libby fights malificent in dragon form.
3/26/2015 c2 guest
Hope you update soon! I love this story! I hope you continue it! And I can't wait for when Libby meets king Robert.
3/25/2015 c2 guest
Hope you update soon! This story is awesome!
10/2/2014 c2 13CSIalchemist
I'm rather intrigued by this. I'm just getting into Game of Thrones so this will be an interesting experience to read.

Think Libby should meet Joffrey? I'd love to see the little maggot squirm when he is bested by a Keyblade Wielder.
7/16/2014 c2 General Warthog
This was actually well written.
2/2/2014 c1 Forever Fanfiction Lover22
This is soooo funny! PLEASE add more!
11/26/2013 c1 1Wal Otter
Mulan, Nice.

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