Just In
for Fangirls Adventures

2/11/2014 c5 5Theultimatenerd43
YAYS! Another chapter! It was awesome! I'm happy that she got to see her friend. I can't wait for the next chapter!
1/19/2014 c4 Theultimatenerd43
1/18/2014 c4 5ms. cheerful
whoa! you put your own OC in it? thats cool! nice chapter!
1/18/2014 c4 34lilaclily00
You put in your own character too? And she is looking for you? XD For some reason it feels like you are breaking the fourth wall even more... Now I'm gonna go read about Angel so I know her :3
12/16/2013 c3 5Theultimatenerd43
YAYS! Hughes is alive! I hope! But it will be hard to explain to them why you look like Mustang! I have an idea for the image you will take if you don't already have one, unless it's the girl with black hair in a braid and combat boots.
-Female with blue eyes
-Pink hair in pigtails
-Green button up shirt
-Dark blue jeans
-White boots
That's just how I draw girls whenever I randomly draw something but don't know what to draw. And I can't wait for the next chapter! SUSPEEENNNSSSEEEE (Yes, I'm weird)
12/16/2013 c3 34lilaclily00
Woah you're Envy now?! Totally did not expect that! :OOO So what happened to the original Envy?
11/30/2013 c2 5Theultimatenerd43
AAHHHHH! MUST. READ. MOOOAAAARRR! Why is there a palm tree? Is it Envy? Why were you forced into the gate? What. How. Why. UPDATE PLEASE!
11/26/2013 c1 CheeseBurgerQueen
Good story! Hey I am new to to the site, any advice for fanfiction
11/25/2013 c1 Theultimatenerd43
Woah, this is really good so far! I would freak out if that happened to me.

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