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for Dragon Tail Z

6/12/2016 c21 GSP224
So glad you decided to update your story... Great chapter and hope you update soon..
6/12/2016 c21 ChosenOne358
That whole fortune teller thing straight from one punch man along with her death XD.
Not that i mind.

Overall good chapter, though there are some grammar mistakes.

Cant wait to see the next chater in 4 months this time :D
6/12/2016 c21 Krispy the wonder-cat
Glad you're out of writer's block, bro!
6/12/2016 c21 4Link60fly
It'll be six months. great chapter
6/12/2016 c21 2dmoose18
Glad you're back! The chapter itself was a little subpar, but it's to be expected if you were facing that large of a writer's block. I'd say it's a miracle you got the chapter done at all, so no sweat if this one isn't the best you've made :)

I'll be interested to see how things play out now, I didn't really pick up on any hints from this chapter but that's a good thing. I want to be surprised!

I hope you're able to write smoothly from now on, I really like this story!
6/12/2016 c21 1The Grimmjow
Pretty good chapter. I'm looking forward to the next ones you will write.
6/10/2016 c20 Yo
I dont understand trunks already could go ss2 he just wasn't fast enough during ss2
6/10/2016 c4 The Dictator
It would rock if u throw in gonna with Erza but make that happen like three or four years later
4/26/2016 c20 Guest
Continue please!
4/23/2016 c20 65RedDragonforce 1
I'm not sure you're aware of this, but who is 'Charles'? The white cat's name is CARLA!
That's kinda the only thing I have to criticize you about. Good job otherwise!
4/21/2016 c5 Dealership4000
4/17/2016 c20 1tsun
Why did they let him take always without explanation? That kind of thing isn't allowed without proper explanation. Its kinda bullish*t if you ask me.
3/29/2016 c20 Super sayian God
I think it would be cool if bojack's team came and interrupt the games
3/26/2016 c2 son goku 321
Hey man I have a great idea! !why don't you let the
Bojok team interfere the grand games that would be rock! !
3/26/2016 c1 son goku 321
Hey man come on update already
!it's been 2 months !
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